2010年7月13日 星期二


作者: Attui (會飛的安特...0.o惽惽) 看板: WarCraft
標題: Re: 請問大劍師
時間: Tue Nov 23 23:29:46 2004

※ 引述《shauima (萬佛朝宗)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《Illus (一路死)》之銘言:
: : "Snatch the pebble from my hand, grasshopper."
: : "My blade can cut through armor, and still cut a tomato."
: : "Twin blade action, for clean close shave every time."
: : "Waasaaabiii!"
: 吸血鬼的台詞還蠻好笑的
: 「既然我有了翅膀,為什麼還要一直走路呢?」
: (接電話) 「喂~你打錯囉,跟你講過很多遍了,我是Dread Lord,不是Dracula Lord」
: (Dracula是小說吸血鬼中的名字)

- Back off pup! 後退,小子!
- The sky is falling! 天空,正在墜落!
- Raindrops keep falling on my head! (用唱的) 雨水不停落在我的額頭~~
- No time for play, we have war to ! 沒有時間玩啦,我們有仗要打!
- Electrifying! 放電!
- Blame it on the rain! Huh ha ha! 怪那些雨水吧!哼哈哈哈!
- [.vs 英雄] I dedicate my power to the Horde! 為部落貢獻我的力量!
- Thunder! (雷鳴聲) 雷!
- Power to the Horde! 以部落的力量!
- Feel the ground trrremble!* 感受大地的顫抖吧!
- Lightning! (閃電聲) 電!

- Someone call for de doctor?* 有人召喚巫醫嗎?
- I hear de summons!* 我聽到了你的呼喚!
- How may I serve? 我要怎樣服務?
- You sick, me help? 你生病,我幫忙?
- What you be cravin?* 你在渴望什麼?
- Pasdingo! 獸人語
- Ride eway!* (Right away!) 立刻!
- Da be good choice, man!* 正確的選擇,兄弟!
- E com bou com!* ** 獸人語
- Do you be feelin well?* 你感覺好嗎?
- I may have somethin for ya!* 我可能有東西要給你
- We be jammin! 有干擾!
- It''s a cook book. A cook book! 這是一本烹調書,一本烹調書!
- Soil and grain is made from Trolls!
- [廣播員]: Fankuisan? [Fakuisan]: Yes? Go ahead. [廣播員]: What the

Troll is doing right now, is putting the heads in a pot. They have
to boil for 20 minutes, so that the eyes can be used in a second
dish, an eye and ra**erry sorbet. [女聲]: Mmmm! Sounds good!
(可以清楚得聽見頭普通一聲掉進水的聲音) (砒霜:哈哈哈哈哈哈)
- [.vs 英雄] Ahhh! 啊!!
- I do it... Now! 現在就做!
- Blah aha hul!* ** 獸人語!
- Blah!
劍聖- (英雄,城鎮中心)
- I obey the six vengance!
- I am yours! 我屬於你!
- Ohh! 噢!
- Yesa, Lord!* 是,主人!
- What task is there?有什麼任務?
- I hearo and obey!* 我聽從命令!(劍聖說的是日式英語……把r音發成魯等

- Hai! 日語,嗨咿!
- Excellent choice! 完美的選擇!
- Yes, huh! 是,哈!
- Snatch the pebble from my hand, grasshopper!
- My a blade can cut through armor, and still cut a tomato!*
- Twin blade action, for clean, close shave everytime!
- Wasabi! 日語,芥末 (……劍聖整個一日本武士)
=Attack Sounds=
- [.vs 英雄] For the burning Blade! 為了燃燒之刃
- Taste a* my blade! 嘗嘗我的利刃
- Ailease! *喊聲*
- Hooah! *吼聲*

先知- (英雄,城鎮中心)
- The future is ours! 未來屬於我們!
- My eyes are open. 我洞悉一切
- Seeing is believing! 眼見為實
- Do you need my counsel? 需要我的忠告嗎?
- Destiny awaits. 命運在等待
- It is certain. 確信無疑
- Of course. 當然
- I see. 明白
- Watch out!
- I see dead people. 我看見死人了(開地圖秘籍哦,果然是farseer)
- Touch you tongue to mine! 敢用你的舌頭舔我! (狼的呻吟聲)
- Concentrate and ask again. 思想集中一點!再問我一遍
- Outlook not so good. 前景不太理想(暗指微軟的outlook不太好用)
- Reply hazy. Try again! 回答的摸稜兩可,再說一遍!
- [.vs 英雄] Spirits of Earth and Storm, strike! 大地與風暴的靈魂啊,攻

- Strike! 進攻!
- Look out! 注意!
- Attack! 進攻!

牛頭人酋長- (英雄,城鎮中心)
- I have an axe to grind! 我有把斧子要磨
- I stand ready! 我準備好了
- Your command? 你的命令?
- Your order? 你的指示?
- What would you ask of me? 你要我做什麼?
- Done! 完成!
- For my ancestors!為了我的祖先們!
- An excellent plan! 好計劃!
- Yes Chieftan? 是,酋長?(他自己也是酋長哦)
- Mmmm. My back is killing me! 唔,我的後背要了我的命。
- I need to take a load off! 我需要減輕負荷。
- Rrrrggg! I think I have a splinter! 呃啊~~~~我想我的骨頭碎了!
- These poles are heavy, I should find someone else to tote
- I used to have to go to war uphills, both ways!我以前打仗的時候還得上


- Your way, right away! 一是你上,二是馬上
- [.vs 英雄] For the War Chief and the Tribes! 為了酋長和部落!
- For the Tribes! 為了部落!
- Honorguide me!* 榮譽引導著我!
- None shall pass! 把命留下!

小精靈 - (註解: 音效全部為噪音沒有文字)

弓箭手 -
- I stand ready. 準備就緒
- Waiting on you. 正在等你
- Point the way! 指路!
- On your mark. 依你指示
- Your move. 行動
- Say no more! 不用多說
- Done! 完成!
- Fair enough! 好極了
- All too easy! 太簡單了

- Ewww, I''m all a quiver! E……我根本是個箭袋子
- Fear my l33t skills!* 為我的精英技能感到恐懼吧
- Let''s move. 5 meter spread. No sound 我們行動吧,間隔5米,悄無聲息(

也就是get away and shut up#_#和「請在外面把門關上」異曲同工)
- I''m more than a ranger. I''m a night ranger. 我不光是一個射手,我是

- I''m not just some plucky girl you can string along! 我不是那種輕浮的

- My release date''s been changed! 我的發售日期延期了!(暴雪喲……)
- Shot through the heart, and I''m to blame! 射穿他的心臟!我來承擔責任
- I said a bow string not Gin... ah, nevermind! 我說的是弓弦,不是軋棉


- [.vs 英雄] By the light of the Moon! 以月神之光的名義!
- I''ll give it a shot! 看我一箭射死!
- Fire! 射!
- One shot, one kill. 一擊必殺
- Cry havok! 哭泣吧!

女獵手- (趣味註解: 死亡音效文件名是''SentinelDeath'' (哨兵死亡--砒霜)

- Godess light my path! 女神啊,照亮我的道路!
- Make it fast! 快點!
- In position! 就位!
- Standing guard! 原地戒備!
- Speak your mind. ?*瞿愕南敕?
- I am sworn to avenge! 我發誓要報仇
- Absolutely! 絕對服從
- I shall not fear. 我不怕
- As the Godess wills! 按照女神的意願!
- I walk in shadow. 我潛行於黑暗之中
- My wait is over. 我的等待結束了
- I can blend!
- Give a hoot, don''t pollute!
- Fri**ee anyone? 玩飛盤嗎?
- This is my owl, there are many liek it, but this one''s mine! 這是我

- I''m here to work on my slice. 我來盡我的職責
- I''m caught between the moon and NightElf city. 我往返於月亮與夜精靈

- Fly Boobou!** 飛吧,boobou(翅膀拍擊)
- I''m not given to flights of fancy! 我不習慣於在幻想中飛翔。
- [.vs 英雄] For the Great Mother! (黑豹的嚎叫聲) 為了偉大的(大地?月

- Seek! 探索!
- Catch! 捕獲!
- Fear the night!恐懼黑夜!
- Prey for dawn! 祈禱黎明!
- Come and get it! 來呀,上啊

弩炮- (註解: 音效全為噪音沒有文字)

角鷹獸- (註解: 音效全為噪音沒有文字)

雙頭龍- (註解: 音效全為噪音沒有文字)

- Ahh, the great outdoors! 啊~~室外太棒了!
- Hi! HI!
- Is there trouble? 有什麼麻煩嗎?
- Are we being invaded? 我們被侵略了嗎?
- What is nature''s call? 大自然在召喚嗎?
- [虛弱魔法] This might sting a little. 這可能會有點疼哦。
- For the trees! 為了樹神!
- Making trails. 正在開路
- I''m game. 我有興趣
- Gladly! 很樂意
- I''m not the Dryad you''re looking for. 我不是你要找的那只樹妖
- Doh! 哆來米的哆/母鹿^-^
- Fear the fearsome fury of the forest fawn! (繞口令誒,快讀一遍看看會

- You communicate by clicking on me, I communicate by doing what you

say. 你通過點擊和我交流,而我通過行動和你交流。
- I''m not in season! 現在是禁獵期!(or:現在非發情期?eek...)
- I got a few bucks set aside for later. 以後我得找頭公鹿呆在我旁邊
- Fall like leaves... in fall! (又是繞口令?)象秋天的樹葉一樣墜落吧
- I don''t reveal much on the mini map. It''s all my fault.我沒探出太多

- I''ll attract the enemy with my human call: I''m so wasted, I''m so

wasted! 好吧,我會用我的人類聲音去吸引敵人的……我真是生不逢時呀,生不

- [.vs 英雄] For Calendor!** 為了kalimdor!(Calendor應為Kalimdor—夜精

- Die, infidel! 死吧,異端!
- Taste my spear! 嘗嘗我的標槍!
- The hunt is on! 打獵開始了!
- Aim dead center! 瞄準要害!

- The sleeper has awakened! 沉睡者已經醒來
- I''m awake, I''m awake! 我醒來了~我醒來了~
- Our time is short! 我們時間緊迫
- Where shall I strike? 我該攻擊哪裡?
- My strength is yours! 我的力量是屬於你的!
- [熊形態] Things are about to get Grizzly! 有東西要變成灰色(灰熊)了

- [冬眠] Sleep, and be healed! 睡吧,得到治療
- My path is clear. 我的道路通暢
- At once. 馬上
- Of course. 當然
- Unodurah!** 夜精靈語
- Only you can prevent forest fires! (聽起來像是惡棍 McGruff, 森林熊)

- I''d rather be hibernating! 我寧願去冬眠
- He wasn''t fuzzy, was he? 這傢伙沒有絨毛,是吧?
- Da Bears!* 熊!
- Got any gummy humans? 你有膠水嗎?人類
- Can''t... stop... dancing!情不自禁的跳舞 (音樂響起)
- Quit clicking on my bare ass!* 別點我的光(熊)PP了
- [.vs 英雄] In Nordrasil''s name!** 以Nordrasil之名義!
- Die, infidel! 死吧,異端!
- Bear arms!* 熊之利爪!/ 空手搏鬥!
- I''m make short work of them! 我很快就能解決他們!

猛禽德魯伊- (註解: 這些人沒在1.03存在 但還是有聲音文件. 恩~~~~暴雪!)***
- By the Great Winds, I come! 我隨風而來!
- Out with it! 脫穎而出
- I am prepared. 準備就緒
- Enlighten me! 指導我吧
- Thy bidding? 汝之命令?(Lich也有這一句古文,這兩個傢伙都是活了幾千幾

- No one shall be the wiser. 沒人比我更賢明
- It has begun! 開始了!
- For my brothers! 為了我的兄弟們!
- That''s a given. 理所當然
- This outfit is for the birds. 這是鳥德制服
- I''d tell you more, but then I''d have to kill you. 我會告訴你更多,

- I am the Dark Night...Elf 我是黑暗(騎士)夜……精靈
- Ahhgggcho! Uh! Don''t tell me I''m allergic to feathers! 啊~~~喔~~~別

- I ride on the Great Winds! I am silent but deadly! 我御風而行,我是沉

- Talon, Druid of the Talon. 猛禽,猛禽德魯伊
- How about if I just stand over here? 我站在這裡不動總可以了吧?
- [.vs 英雄] For Calendor!** 為了Kalimdor!
- No quarter! 永不對敵人仁慈!
- Make your peace! 歸於和平吧!
- In the Raven''s name! 以烏鴉座的名義!
惡魔獵手[已變身: 5級或以上] - (英雄,城鎮中心) (註解: 和下面正常的惡魔

獵手一樣的聲音文件, 沒有在[ ]的特殊行動/執行動作音效)

惡魔獵手- (英雄,城鎮中心)
- At last, we shall have revenge! 終於,我們可以報仇了!
- The time has come. 是時候了
- We must act! 我們必須行動了!
- My blade thirsts 我的刀刃渴望著……
- Quickly! 快!
- Command Me! 命令我吧!
- [思想控制] You are spellbound!*** 你已經著魔了
- [蛻變] Time to raise hell! 呼喚地獄的時刻到了
- [吸魂] Your soul is mine!*** 你的靈魂屬於我
- [鬼怪視界] Hide no longer!*** 你無處可藏
- Anatorettador!** 精靈語
- Though I be damned! 就算我是被詛咒的!
- Duranacal.** 精靈語
- At last. 終於
- Hmmm. 唔
- I shall fight fire with fire! 我要以火焰來克制火焰。
- Chaos boils in my veins! 混沌的力量在我血液中沸騰
- Demon blood is thicker than... regular blood. 惡魔之血濃於……一般的

- I like my enemies dead and my blades flaming. 最愛看敵人死在我燃燒的

- I love green trees! (註解: 這個很粗暴. 在遊戲中其實是倒過來的, 我不想

把它拼出來所以我把它倒過來了. )
- You will perish in flames (咳嗽聲) Ops, sorry! 你將在火焰中毀滅(咳嗽

- Darkness called, ... but I was on the phone, so I missed him. I tried

to *69 Darkness, but his machine picked up. I yelled: "Pick up the

phone Darkness", but he ignored me. Darkness must have been screening

his calls. 黑暗之王一度召喚我,……但我在打電話,所以我錯過了。我試著回


- [.vs 英雄] For Calendor! 為了Kalimdor
- None shall survive! 擋我者死!
- Your blood is mine! 喝你的血!
- Run for your life! 快逃命吧!
- Revenge! 復仇!

叢林守護者- (英雄,城鎮中心)
- I must safegaurd the land! 保護大地是我的職責。
- Is there danger? 有險情嗎?
- Command me. 命令我吧
- Who threatens the wilds? 誰在威脅著大自然?
- The time is now. 就是現在
- Nature is restless. 大自然永不寧靜
- [自然之觸] Everything I touch dies or comes back to life! 我的觸碰帶

- [扼死籐] This should weed out a few! 這些雜草應該清除
- [荊棘] You mess with the branch, you get the thorns! 你跟樹枝戰鬥,就

- [寧靜] The calm, before the storm. 暴風雨前的寧靜
- By the spirits! 以精靈們的力量!
- For Calendor! 為了Kalimdor!
- Well, there it is. 好,在那邊
- So shall is be. 理應如此
- Naturally. 自然而然
- My father was mounted over someone''s fireplace. 我父親是畫在壁爐上方

- Feel natural, nature''s way. 感受大自然的自然
- Don''t let the doe hit you on the way out! 那些母鹿要來扁你了
- When I Attack, part 3. 當我攻擊時,第3部分
- Free rides for the ladies MM免費騎哦
- Heard up! 收到!
- [.vs 英雄] Smite the defilers of the land! 給污染者以致命一擊!
- Feel nature''s wrath! 感受自然的憤怒!
- Death to all defilers! 污染者,受死!
- None shall harm the wilds! 沒有人可以傷害大自然!

月亮女祭祀- (英雄,城鎮中心)
- Warriors of the night, assemble! 夜之戰士們,集結起來!
- We are poised to strike! 我們隨時準備戰鬥!
- We must act! 我們得行動了!
- I am vigilant! 我時刻警惕著!
- Trust in my command. 相信我的指揮吧!
- [月光] Godess, grant me sight! 女神啊,賜予我慧眼吧!
- [月反射] Let me bounce this off you. 從你身上反彈吧!
- [灼光] Highbeams on! 強光照射!
- [強擊] Shoot to kill! 射殺!
- [黎明] Darkness falls across the land. 黑暗降臨大地(知道MJ的Thriller

嗎?Darkness Falls Across The Land ,The Midnight Hour Is Close At Hand

,Creatures Crawl In Search Of Blood……''Cause This Is Thriller,

Thriller Night……MJ開始與一群殭屍跳舞^o^ )
- Leading the way! 領路!
- Onward! 前進!
- As I thought. 正合我意
- The Godess agrees. 正如女神所願
- I command the army of Darkness! 我指揮著黑暗(暗夜)部隊!
- I''m caught between the moon and NightElf city. 我往返於月亮與夜精靈

- Come on! We''re burning moonlight. 來吧!我們是燃燒的月之光
- When a Treant falls in the forest, does it make a sound? 一個樹人在森

- [.vs 英雄] By the Godess! 以女神的力量!
- Strike! 進攻!
- For the Godess! 為了女神!
- Prepare to be Moonstruck!準備接受月神之擊!(Moonstruck的字典解釋:源



農民 -
- Ready to work! 準備工作
- Yes, me Lord? 是,陛下?
- What is it? 要做什麼?
- More work? 還有工作?
- What? 什麼?
- [建築] Construction Zone! Do not enter!*** 建造區無法進入!
- [建築] Hard hat required!*** 戴好安全帽!
- [建築] Move along, nothing to see here.*** 向前走,這裡沒什麼好看的
- [建築] I need a hard hat!*** 我需要一頂安全帽
- [建築] Job''s done! 工作完成
- Righto!* 好哦
- Yes, me Lord! 是,我的陛下
- Alright. 好吧
- Off I go then. 那我去了
- You''re the King? Well I didn''t vote for you. 你是國王?我可沒有投票

- We found a witch, may we burn her? 我們找到一個女巫,我們該燒死她嗎?
- Help! Help! I''m being repressed! 救命!救命!我被鎮壓了!
- A horse kicked me once. It hurt! 我被馬踢過,真疼!
- Doh! 咚!
- [.vs 英雄] Yaaahhh! 呀!!
- I guess I can. 我猜我可以
- If you want. 如果您想要
- No one else available? 別人不可以嗎?
- That''s it, I''m dead! 好吧,我死定了!

步兵 -
- Ready for action! 準備行動!
- Orders? 命令?
- What do you need? 需要什麼?
- Yes, my Liege! 遵命,陛下!
- Say the word! 下令吧!
- Aye, me Lord! 是,陛下!
- On my way! 行進中!
- Right. 對
- Of course.當然
- Don''t ask, don''t tell. 不要問,不要說
- Grab your sword and fight the Horde! 握緊你的劍與獸人戰鬥吧!
- Uncle Lothar wants YOU! 洛薩大叔需要你!(洛薩是人類國王)
- It''s only a flesh wound! 這只是新傷口!
- [.vs 英雄] For Lordearon! 為了洛丹倫!(洛丹倫:人類聯盟之家園)
- Let me at em!* 我來進攻他們!
- Attttaccckkk! 進~攻~~~
- To arms! 拿起武器!

- Locked and loaded! 鎖定目標,填彈完畢!
- Aye, sir? 是,長官?
- Ya have a target? 您有目標嗎?
- I''m your shooter! 我是您的射手!
- What do you need? 您需要什麼?
- OoooK. 好的~~
- I''ll take care of it! 我來搞定!
- Time to go! 該走了!
- Aight!* 好啊
- This. Is. My. Boomstick! 這,是,我的,火槍!
- Where''s me drink?* 我的酒哪兒去了?
- I can''t shoot straight unless I''ve had a pint! 我不喝個一品脫就打不

- Oh! There''s me drink. Get. In. My. Belly! 噢!這是我的酒,進 我 的

肚 子 吧!
- Guns don''t kill people. I DO! Ha ha! 槍並不會殺人,我會!哈哈!
- Don''t shoot, shoot, shoot that thing at me! 別拿那東西射,射,射我
- I shot the Sheriff, and the Deputy, and your wee doggy TOO!* 我殺了郡

- You''ll take me blunderbuss we ye pry it from my cold, dead hands! 我

- [.vs 英雄] For Iron Forge! 為了鋼鐵熔爐(部落名)!
- Fire! 射擊!
- I''ve got the beast in my sights! 我在視野中發現了野獸!
- Take that you sod. 嘗嘗這個你這#¥%*
- Shoot ta kill!* 射殺!

騎士 -
- I await your command! 等待您的命令!
- Sire? 陛下?
- Your honor! 以您的榮譽!
- Command me! 命令我吧!
- Yes, my Lord? 是,陛下?
- [衝鋒] For Azaeroth!** 為了艾澤洛斯(人類以前的故鄉)!
- At once! 馬上!
- For the King! 為了國王!
- Aboslutely! 絕對服從!
- I swear it! 我發誓!
- My favorite color is blue... NO, yellllooowwww..... 我喜歡的顏色是藍

- Victory for Lordearon!洛丹倫必勝!(頭盔掉下來了)
- Dost thou speak unto me?* 汝謂吾呼?(呵呵,古文)
- By the Gods you''re annoying! 以上帝的名義……您真是煩!
- I never say: Ni! 我從來沒說過Ni!
- Damn helmet, can''t seem to get ... this ... thing. (從頭盔裡傳出的模

糊聲音) 該死的頭盔,摘不下來(馬的哀鳴聲)
- [.vs 英雄] For honor, for freedom! 為了榮譽,為了自由!
- For the King! 為了國王!
- Have at thee! 進攻汝!
- To the death! 受死吧!

牧師 -
- I come to cleanse this land! 我為淨化這片土地而來
- What ails you? 是什麼困擾著你?
- Yes, my friend. 是,我的朋友。
- Is my aid required? 需要我的幫助嗎?
- Is someone injured? 有人受傷了嗎?
- [驅魔] Be gone spawn of Darkness! 消失吧!黑暗之子
- [治療] Be well! 好
- Of course! 當然
- I am your servant! 為您服務!
- As you wish. 如你所願
- Right away. 馬上
- Scalpel... spounge... magic wand. 手術刀……海綿……魔法杖
- There is peace and serenity within the Light. 光芒照耀著和平與寧靜
- Clear! (能聽到電流聲) 明白!
- Crossover children... crossover into the Light! 穿越吧,孩子……找到

- I have been chosen by the big metal hand in the sky! 我被天上的巨大鐵

- Side affects may include dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, water

retention, painful rectal itch, hallucination, dementia, psychosis,

coma, death and halitosis. Magic is not for everyone. Consult your

doctor before use. 可能的副作用包括口乾舌燥、噁心、嘔吐、積水、陣痛、幻


- [.vs 英雄] For the memory of Quelforloss!** 為了Quelforloss的回憶!
- Be gone spawn of Darkness! 消失吧,黑暗之子!
- Now feel my rath! 現在,感受我的憤怒吧!
- By the power of the Light, burn! 以光明力量的名義,燃燒吧!

- The flows of magic are whimsical today! 今天的魔法波動反覆無常
- Do you require aid, human? 需要幫助嗎,人類?
- This better be good. 最好如此
- Help me, help you. 幫助我就是幫助你
- What''ll it be hot shot?*
- Kick down sparky.
- [隱形] See ya later!* 一會見!
- [減速] What''s your hurry? 你慌什麼?
- [水元素] It''s time to get wet! 是時候來點水份了
- If you insist. 如果你堅持的話
- What a good idea. 真是個好主意
- It''s about time. 是時候了
- Once again, it''s up to the elves. 事情又由精靈來決定了
- Click my baby, one more time! 點我呀,寶貝,再來一次!
- Maybe you should get a strategy guide! 也許你需要一本戰略指導
- I don''t remember casting slow on you. 我不記得對你施了緩慢
- You don''t get out much do you? 你不太明白,是吧?
- Let''s chat on Battle.net sometime. 我們改天在戰網上聊吧
- For the "End of the World" spell, press Ctrl+Alt+Delete. 想用世界末日




也幫網友推一下 0.0a

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
[1;37m推 [33mlisero [m [33m:2銀 [m                                    11/23
[1;31m→ [33mAttui [m [33m:聽說illus tft語音是用聽出來的...Orz [m     11/23
[1;31m→ [33mAttui [m [33m:因為複製貼上 [m                           11/23
[1;37m推 [33mIllus [m [33m:我只有仔細去聽pissed的音效... [m          11/23


