2010年7月8日 星期四


作者: tomorrowcome (I'm free,free fallin') 看板: sex
標題: Re: [心得] 炮友的英文
時間: Sat Oct  1 12:57:17 2005

A "sexual partner" is a person with whom one engages in sex acts.
Note that it is possible to have a sexual partner without having
an intimate relationship, or even an acquaintanceship with that person.

fucking buddy or fuck buddy , It's all ok.
but It's so vulgar.

'friends with benefits"  <- If you know what he's saying.
It's the good way to say it.

but My friend always calls his girl "bitch".
u can say that.. If u are a dirty man too.

※ 引述《foxylady (foxylady)》之銘言:
: 應該是 fuck buddy 或 sex partner
: 請不要加 ing
: ※ 引述《medstudents (無名)》之銘言:
: :   正名一下
: :   砲友的英文是  fucking buddy

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
[1;37m推 [33mGaribay [m [33m:Simply F-buddy will do.                                [m 10/01 12:58
[1;37m推 [33mdapowfu [m [33m:何家人:i can fly~ high!                                [m 10/01 13:01


