2012年4月25日 星期三

「鳳梨跑輸野兔」 紐約學測題讓考生傻眼

作者: benka (*0*) 看板: Gossiping
標題: Re: [新聞] 「鳳梨跑輸野兔」 紐約學測題讓考生傻眼
時間: Sat Apr 21 16:35:39 2012


In the olden times, animals could speak English, just like you and me. There
was a lovely enchanted forest that flourished with a bunch of these magical
animals. One day, a hare was relaxing by a tree. All of a sudden, he noticed
a pineapple sitting near him.

在古時候 動物和你我一樣都會說話
有一座可愛的森林 住著許多會說話的動物
有一天 一隻兔子在樹下休息
突然 他發現旁邊坐著一顆鳳梨

The hare, being magical and all, told the pineapple, "Um, hi." The pineapple
could speak English too.

"I challenge you to a race! Whoever makes it across the forest and back first
wins a ninja! And a lifetime's supply of toothpaste!" The hare looked at the
pineapple strangely, but agreed to the race.

"恩 嗨"

鳳梨:"我要和你賽跑 跑完整座森林的 就可以迎到一個忍者和一輩子免錢的牙膏"
兔子覺得很奇怪 但是答應了

The next day, the competition was coming into play. All the animals in the
forest (but not the pineapples, for pineapples are immobile) arranged a
finish/start line in between two trees. The coyote placed the pineapple in
front of the starting line, and the hare was on his way.

隔天 比賽就要開始了
(鳳梨們沒有來幫忙 因為他們不會動)

Everyone on the sidelines was bustling about and chatting about the obvious
prediction that the hare was going to claim the victory (and the ninja and
the toothpaste). Suddenly, the crow had a revolutionary realization.

突然 烏鴉想通了

"AAAAIEEH! Friends! I have an idea to share! The pineapple has not challenged
our good companion, the hare, to just a simple race! Surely the pineapple
must know that he CANNOT MOVE! He obviously has a trick up his sleeve!"
exclaimed the crow.

"ㄚㄚㄚㄚ 朋友們 我有話要說 鳳梨知道他不能動贏不了兔子
所以他一定會作弊(袖子裡有把戲)" 烏鴉解釋著

The moose spoke up.

"Pineapples don't have sleeves."


"You fool! You know what I mean! I think that the pineapple knows we're
cheering for the hare, so he is planning to pull a trick on us, so we look
foolish when he wins! Let's sink the pineapple's intentions, and let's cheer
for the stupid fruit!" the crow passionately proclaimed. The other animals
cheered, and started chanting, "FOIL THE PLAN! FOIL THE PLAN! FOIL THE PLAN!"

"智障 你知道我在說什麼 我想鳳梨一定以為我們會幫兔子加油
所以當鳳梨贏的時候 我們會看起來像低能兒一樣
所以我們就反其道而行 幫這個笨水果加油吧" 烏鴉說


A few minutes later, the hare arrived. He got into place next to the
pineapple, who sat there contently. The monkey blew the tree-bark whistle,
and the race began! The hare took off, sprinting through the forest, and the
pineapple ...
It sat there.

幾分鐘後 兔子來到會場了
猴子吹起口哨 讓比賽開始
兔子出發了!! 但是鳳梨.....還是坐在那裡

The animals glanced at each other blankly, and then started to realize how
dumb they were. The pineapple did not have a trick up its sleeve. It wanted
an honest race — but it knew it couldn't walk (let alone run)!


About a few hours later, the hare came into sight again. It flew right across
the finish line, still as fast as it was when it first took off. The hare had
won, but the pineapple still sat at his starting point, and had not even
The animals ate the pineapple.

幾小時候 兔子跑回來了

而鳳梨還坐在起跑點上 根本沒動

1. Why did the animals eat the pineapple?


a. they were annoyed 怒了
b. they were amused 爽了
c. they were hungry 餓了
d. they wanted to  純粹想吃

2. Who was the wisest?


a. the hare 兔子
b. moose 麋鹿
c. crow 烏鴉
d. owl 貓頭鷹

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◆ From:
推 dodosteve:所有enchanted跟magical你都當不存在喔w                 04/21 16:36
→ lucifa38:1.A 2.C                                                04/21 16:36
→ valenci:贏得一個Ninja 是指Kawasaki 那台重機嗎?                  04/21 16:37
推 lovemendy:為什麼我覺得這故事有點殘忍                            04/21 16:38


