2011年10月6日 星期四


作者: SkyMirage (Stardust) 看板: Gossiping
標題: [爆卦] 美《經濟學人》以「給中國的點心」形容台灣
時間: Sun Sep 25 06:16:23 2011



The United States and Taiwan

Dim sum for China

Why America should not walk away from Taiwan

Sep 24th 2011 | from the print edition

EVER since the Nationalist KMT, the losing side in the Chinese civil war,
fled to Taiwan in 1949, China’s Communist rulers have reserved the right to
take back by force what they see as a renegade province. When America broke
off diplomatic relations with Taiwan in 1979 and recognised China instead,
Congress passed a law obliging the administration to “provide Taiwan with
arms of a defensive character” to guard against a hostile mainland.


That support seems to be wobbling. This week Barack Obama agreed to refurbish
Taiwan’s ageing fleet of F-16 fighter jets (see article), but Chinese
objections made the deal less advantageous than it would have been.
Meanwhile, a small but influential chorus of academics and policymakers is
arguing that these should be America’s last arms sales to Taiwan.


What has changed to justify this shift? Little in Taiwan itself. These days
the country is a thriving democracy, worthier of support than the
dictatorship it was when American backing was rock solid. Nor does Taiwan
look better able to defend itself. The main shift in the military balance
across the Taiwan Strait in recent years has been a massive one in China’s
favour. More than 1,000 missiles on its eastern seaboard now point at Taiwan,
and China’s navy and air force have hugely expanded. Refitting the old F-16s
is a token gesture, and China knows it.


Turning a paler shade of green (綠吱陰影退散!!)

Two main arguments are made in America to justify abandoning Taiwan. The
first is that its ally is now a strategic liability. Under the “blue” (KMT)
president, Ma Ying-jeou, cross-straits relations are better than they have
ever been. But the “green” opposition is more nationalistic. The fear is
that one day Taiwan will make a formal declaration of independence. China
says it will respond to that with force. Some in America fret that in backing
Taiwan, the United States risks being dragged into conflict, even nuclear war.


How realistic is that fear? Under the previous green president, Chen
Shui-bian, Taiwan’s relations with both China and America plumbed new lows.
Mr Chen’s successor as leader of the greens, Tsai Ing-wen, is running
against Mr Ma in the presidential election in January. But she is a lot more
moderate than Mr Chen, and the provocateurs who want to declare formal
independence are mainly old and fading. Younger green politicians may be
nationalistic, but they seem more pragmatic and understand the imperative of
American support.


The second argument is that, even if it never came to war, Taiwan would still
be an obstacle to better Sino-American relations. Give China what it wants,
runs this line of thinking, and it will co-operate more on a host of issues
ranging from nuclear proliferation to climate change. Rather than provoking
China by arming Taiwan and patrolling the seas, it would be better to placate
it, and throw it the morsel of Taiwan.


But to walk away from Taiwan would in effect mean ceding to China the terms
of unification. Over the long run, that will not improve Sino-American
relations. Five thousand years of Chinese diplomatic history suggest it is
more likely to respect a strong state than a weak and vacillating one.
Appeasement would also probably increase China’s appetite for regional
domination. Its “core interests” in the area seem to be growing. To Chinese
military planners, Taiwan is a potential base from which to push out into the
Pacific. At minimum, that would unsettle Japan to the north and the
Philippines to the south.


Strong American backing for Taiwan has served the region well so far. It has
improved, rather than damaged, cross-straits relations, for Mr Ma would never
have felt able to open up to China without it, and it has been the foundation
for half a century of peace and security throughout East Asia (see Banyan).
To abandon Taiwan now would bring out the worst in China, and lead the region
’s democracies to worry that America might be willing to let them swing too.
That is why, as long as China insists on the right to use force in Taiwan,
America should continue to support the island.


[1;33;40m         邏輯無助於科學。

[1;35;40m 法蘭西斯‧培根

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◆ From:
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推 shahe:XDDDDD 挺有趣 而且寫實                                    09/25 06:21
推 yoshro:翻譯推                                                   09/25 06:25
推 sd5566:馬英狗還不是美國自己故意給他上的?拿出綠卡它就不會上      09/25 06:27
→ sd5566:這就是美國自做虐 活該                                    09/25 06:27
推 obov:阿   在研究看看                                            09/25 06:29
推 Madroach:說到底美國還是不得不幫我們嘛XDDD                       09/25 06:29
推 gdgy:馬英九會上 是因為765萬人支持                               09/25 06:29
→ smalldick:想丟掉拖油瓶把千金又怕被說閒話 真是累贅               09/25 06:32
→ Lyon9:滿好奇你有些小部分故意不翻 或是加油添醋的意思在於?        09/25 06:33
推 Geigemachen:點心 [粵語]Dim sum [台語] Diam sim (羅拼Tiam-sim)   09/25 06:34
→ Lyon9:這個丁尚的廣東話 已經因為老華僑的關係演變成真的英文了     09/25 06:35
推 hikki82119:不過台灣為什麼也不對中國擺一千多顆彈!                09/25 06:36
推 MaYinJo:看的好累呀                                              09/25 06:36
→ SkyMirage:噓!!!台灣有百萬台商在大陸,今年十月十日反共起義!     09/25 06:37
推 xx60824xx:推翻譯                                                09/25 06:38
噓 ThunderLion:這也叫翻譯?難怪開頭先說不敢負責,添油加醋一堆      09/25 06:50
推 Ration:《鄉民》以「鬼島」形容台灣                               09/25 06:55
推 b00668880:薩爾那加瞭望塔加行星要塞是三小啦XDDDD                 09/25 06:56
→ b00668880:煩請T大翻譯完整原文  小弟必有微薄P幣奉上              09/25 06:57
噓 jijung:   ??????????????????????????                            09/25 07:01
推 kiry:哈 星海梗                                                  09/25 07:01
噓 Claypatterns:你要用鄉民用語可以 但不可以隨便曲解內容吧          09/25 07:15
推 reich3:加油添醋,避重就輕,頗有現代記者風格!                    09/25 07:50
推 EV1L:謝謝你提醒大家  台灣最大最惡劣的敵人是中共  感激           09/25 08:06
噓 EV1L:這位台大的帥哥  請問最後一句                               09/25 08:12
→ EV1L:America should continue to support the island              09/25 08:12
→ EV1L:你翻成三小?                                                09/25 08:13
噓 FuYen:自以為好笑                                                09/25 08:14
→ EV1L:拜託  我們學歷不如您  不代表我們是智障好嗎……             09/25 08:16
→ Neken000:翻得真的不錯~但是會被噓 XDDD                           09/25 08:17
推 chirmanmao:EVIL, 你確定嗎?                                     09/25 08:33
※ 編輯: SkyMirage       來自:        (09/25 08:39)
噓 moodgid:明知八卦板鄉民水準都很低.為何還要做這種翻譯?            09/25 09:02
噓 bof:引戰翻譯                                                    09/25 09:21
噓 q76211635:淦 這翻譯是要給蛆蛆高潮的嗎                           09/25 09:25
推 bubki:說真的,挺..幼稚的翻譯,實力可以,但是心智年齡還小鬼吧       09/25 09:36
→ hiokchi:摩亞:這就叫"作者已死"嗎?  (文本隨便讀者解讀)            09/25 09:36
推 mlkj:http://mlkj24.pixnet.net/blog/post/27425926 正經版翻譯     09/25 10:21
推 satyrs05:這本雜誌又不能寫的太明,翻譯較切實啊,噓個洨           09/25 10:30
推 Eclivan:看到文中那句中國在靠腰就笑了 XDDD                       09/25 10:35
推 JiaKe:年紀也有一些了,怎麼還是鄉民化口吻=.=#                     09/25 10:38
推 hansamusei:推翻譯                                               09/25 11:30
推 asole:推鄉民翻譯                                                09/25 11:37
噓 Jigokuhen:呵呵y                                                 09/25 12:02
推 popular5566:翻譯還是照原文比較妥當~插科打諢的地方自己家註就好   09/25 12:02
→ whogotme:翻太正經,記者要抄很方便啊                              09/25 13:49
推 cymine:推翻譯                                                   09/26 00:28
推 jokker:推翻譯                                                   09/26 02:15
推 fv:很棒阿 看不爽自己翻阿 只會鬼叫                               09/26 22:15
推 thatsking:這翻譯實在XDDDD                                       09/28 04:47


