2011年1月4日 星期二


作者: zuki326 (Zukisa) 看板: Programming
標題: [問題] 外國高級工程師的面試題
時間: Tue Nov 17 07:08:46 2009



1.      Explain in detail what is wrong with the following code-block
and provide a correct implementation:

private string GetString()
        string value = string.Empty;

        for (int i = 0; i < 85000; i++)
                value += i.ToString();

        return value;

2.      What is the significance of the value 85000 in the code-block above?
 (hint: 85,000 bytes and Memory Allocation/Garbage Collection)
上題中的 85000 有什麼特別的意義?
(提示: 85,000 bytes and Memory Allocation/Garbage Collection )

3.      You have the following ASP.NET code-behind class:
你有以下的 ASP.NET 程式碼
public partial class Page1 : Page
                private string _value;

                public Page1()
                        if (DateTime.Now.Ticks % 10 == 0)
                                _value = "Test";

                                _value = string.Empty;
You have found events in the Application event log indicating
that the ASP.NET worker process is crashing.
You determine the problem to be that in some circumstances,
accessing _value throws a NullReferenceException.
Why does this crash the ASP.NET worker process instead of showing an error
to the end-user?
你發現 Application event log 紀錄 ASP.NET 的 process 會出現錯誤。
你發現問題出在某些情況下 accessing _value throws a NullReferenceException。
為什麼這個ASP.NET 程式在出錯時會 crash 而不是向用戶顯示錯誤訊息?

4.      You have identified that your ASP.NET worker process is consuming
large amounts of memory and is not releasing it.
How would you identify whether it is a native memory leak or
an issue with managed code? If you identified the issue as a problem
with managed code, what steps would you take to further isolate the issue?

5.      Provide a comparison of XML and JSON including the pros and
cons of each and provide ideal uses for both.
提出 XML 與 JSON 的對比,包括雙方的優缺點列表。

6.      Discuss some common rendering issues with Internet Explorer
(version of your choice) and provide some workarounds.
Internet Explorer (任何版本) 有哪些呈現上的問題,並提出要如何解決。

7.      Provide a comparison of the box model in Internet Explorer 5.5
and Internet Explorer 7.0
提出 Internet Explorer 5.5 與 Internet Explorer 7.0 中的 box model 的比對。

8.      As an ASP.NET developer, how to you see Silverlight 2.0 fitting
into the development of web applications?
作為一個 ASPNET 的工程師,你對於在網頁軟體開發中使用 Silverlight 2.0

9.      Explain why using CSS image replacement techniques (image sprites)
has better perceived performance than using individual images.
解釋為什麼用 CSS 圖片替換技術 (image sprites) 會比用單獨的圖片有更好的效果。

10.     You have the following Go.gif image.
The full image dimensions are 75x40px
你有一個 Go.gif 圖片檔。完整的圖片大小為 75x40px


The HTML for this button is
這個按鈕的 HTML 是


a.      Provide a CSS-only implementation of the button with a hover state
(the dark blue is the hover state)
提供一個這個按鈕的 CSS-only implementation 與 hover state

b.      Provide an implementation that uses CSS for the initial state
but jQuery for the hover state
提供一個使用 CSS 在最初的狀態,但是用 jQuery 在 hover state

11.     You visited an eCommerce website, and when navigating to
a Cannon SD1000 camera, you noticed the URL was
你去了一個電子商務的網站,當你到 Cannon SD1000 相機的頁面時,
發現網址是 http://www.mystore.com/ViewProduct.aspx?productId=10

You have been asked to consult on SEO best practices.
What recommendations would you make to the site developer with regards
to his URL’s?

12.     You visited a website that has a menu composed of images.
You noticed that on mouse over of each image, the image flickers.
What would you recommend to the webmaster to prevent the flickering?

13.     You are managing a website that displays a (hidden)
layer on top of a number of SELECT elements.
Some users are complaining that the dropdown list is appearing on top of
the layer.  Why does this occur and how would you fix it?
你負責管理一個網站。這個網站在一些 SELECT elements 之上有一個 (隱藏的) 層。
一些用戶抱怨下拉是菜單出現在這個層之上。為什麼會發生這個情況? 要如何修正?

14.     You have an unordered list with 10 elements.
The list has an ID of “myList”.  Using jQuery, how would you:
你有一個沒排序過的 10 個物件的列表。這個列表的 ID 是 “myList”
。使用 jQuery, 你要怎麼

a.      Change the fore color of all even list items to red
b.      Indent the 5th item when the mouse hovers over it
當滑鼠放上的時候, Indent (就是前面空格?) 第五個物件

15.     Explain some key differences between
using an ASP.NET UpdatePanel  versus using either PageMethods or
web services to retrieve and populate data.
解釋使用 ASP.NET UpdatePanel 及使用 PageMethods 或 web services 來獲取及顯示數據的主要區別

16.     Discuss a new features of ASP.NET 3.5 Service Pack 1.
ASP.NET 3.5 Service Pack 1 中有哪些新的功能

17.     Discuss in detail a technique, as it relates to web development,
that you frequently use and feel would be beneficial
to share to a new development team.

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