2010年9月23日 星期四

Best regards, Kind regards, or Yours sincerely

作者: aifos (aifos) 看板: PhD
標題: Re: [問題] 請問寫卡片給老師...(英文)
時間: Mon May 29 17:24:52 2006

※ 引述《Aser (mata atote...)》之銘言:
: 後面的順訟研安  教安之類的
: 該怎麼去翻譯呢??
: 我只會best regards  Orz.

  可以參考  http://0rz.net/741sk  裡面有一段覺得還不錯!

Let's look at the structure of an e-mail or a letter for that matter.  Simply
said you have 3 parts.

1. opening or greeting

2. body

3. closing or ending

NOTE:  greeting means hello and not good-bye.

As was pointed out " yours faithfully " is out of style but it still can be
found in use especially in British English. However, as was also pointed out,
there are alternatives that are used in both British and American (North
American) English.

1. More formal ---   Sincerely yours, Yours sincerely, or even just Sincerely

2. less formal--- Sincerely, Kind/Best/Warm regards, Regards, *Best wishes

3. informal --- Best (wishes), Regards, * Just write your name *, See you,
Thanks, etc., etc.

Not that this is a rule but in American English a comma is generally used
after the greeting and after the closing.

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