2012年2月5日 星期日

以往大部分的觀點都是 有錢人的投資會創造就業機會

作者: innominate (innominate) 看板: Stock
標題: [新聞] THE BIG LIE: “Rich People Create Jobs”
時間: Sat Feb  4 20:57:12 2012




Friday morning the U.S. finally got a monthly jobs report that was unequivocally
good: According to the BLS, 243,000 jobs were created in January, way more than


Of course, this immediately led to a political fight about who or what is
creating those jobs.

現在的問題是: 到底是誰可以變出工作來?

One of the most commonly repeated theories about job-creation is that "rich
people create jobs"--specifically, rich investors and entrepreneurs who build
companies that eventually employ hundreds or thousands of Americans.


This theory is often used to justify very low taxes on investors and high-income
earners, under the theory that such folks have to be given an incentive to "create


But the trouble with the theory, says Nick Hanauer, is that it's just wrong.

Nick Hanauer表示: 這根本是唬爛

Hanauer, an entrepreneur and investor and the author of The Gardens of of
Democracy, built an online advertising firm called aQuantive that he sold to
Microsoft for several billion dollars. He was one of the first investors in
Amazon.com, which now employs tens of thousands of people worldwide. He also make
 an "eight-figure" income from his investments. So he knows a thing or two about
investing, job creation, and the impact of low taxes on rich people.

先別急著噓, Hanauer可不是不食人間煙火的學者, 也不是買不起房賺不到錢的loser
他曾經從M$海撈過一筆, 也是Amazon早期的投資者之一, 他是人生的勝利組

What actually creates jobs, Hanauer says, is not "rich people" or "entrepreneurs,"
 but the economic ecosystem in which companies are created. The entrepreneur and
initial investors provide the "seed" that eventually leads to job-creation, but
it is ultimately the company's customers that provide the demand necessary to
support jobs. Without healthy customers, Hanauer says, entrepreneurs and investors
 can't create any sustainable jobs, so the idea that rich people create jobs is

基本上, 只有消費者的消費行為才能創造就業, 投資者只不過是看到有利可圖才跳進來
沒有需求, 公司不會賺錢, 那麼根本無法持續維持住這些工作, 投資者可不是佛心來著

One of the reasons our economy is struggling, Hanauer says, is the middle-class
has been gutted and stripped of its purchasing power. To restore the economy to
health--and reduce the unemployment rate--the buying power of the middle class
has to be restored.


And that, Hanauer says, can be accomplished in two ways:
First, cutting taxes for the middle-class while raising them on high-income
And, second, paying middle-class workers more.

1. 減中產階級的稅, 但是由高收入的人來補
2. 給中產階級更高的薪水


中產階級往往是沉默又認命的一群羊, 他們幾乎沒有辦法避過應繳的稅, 所以往往成為政客
們開各種支票後所犧牲的一群人, 但是這群沉默的人會用最實際的行為來懲罰整個社會, 那
就是, 減低各項開支.

尤其是台灣的中產階級不但稅率被剝削, 還要被房價再剝一次毛, 還有很多人洗腦說中產階
級應該降低所有的消費把錢省下來買房, 問題是, 如果這些中產階級停止購買商品, 受到傷
害的是誰? 最後受傷的還是這些中產階級, 因為市場萎縮經濟遲緩, 公司賺不到錢還是要砍
薪砍人. 肥的只有建商, 地主, 投客, 房仲, 以及先持有的既得利益者們

但是政客往往跟有錢人掛勾, 他們不斷的給我們洗腦, 說工作機會都是有錢人創造的, 如果
對這些有錢人徵稅的話, 他們就會把錢移走, 導致經濟下滑, 工作機會減少. 但事實上並不
是如此, 只要你的投資環境夠好, 有市場, 自然就會有就業機會, 就業機會是顧客群的消費
行為創造的, 而不是這些有錢人.

事實上, 合理的稅率並不是要有錢人負擔更高的稅率, 懲罰賺錢的行為並不是很妥當. 但是
要求這些有錢人繳交跟中產階級同等的稅率我認為並不過分. 現行的稅制開了太多的洞以及
太多的避稅措施導致稅基大量流失, 不管是房地產的交易以及持有稅, 股票的交易所得, 當

希望政府能夠早點體認到這一點, 停止剝削中產階級, 否則經濟只會持續惡化罷了

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ aufu1234:沒差 數據好 股市就是要漲 管你甚麼民生                  02/04 21:00
→ bluelune:數據哪裡好?但股市還是要漲 因為狂印鈔票 結果又衰到中產  02/04 21:02


