2012年12月20日 星期四


作者: rin0sin (123) 看板: Gossiping
標題: [新聞] CNN報導台灣的過勞文化
時間: Wed Oct 10 01:17:41 2012


Battling Taiwan's culture of overwork

Employees in Taiwan work some of the longest hours in the world. CNN's Paula
Hancocks reports on the culture of overwork.



(CNN) For the past six years, Guo Chi-mei has struggled to get out of bed on
his own. The 40-year-old suffered a stroke in 2006 and can only take a few
unaided steps to his wheelchair before his blood pressure rises to a
dangerous level.

Last year the government ruled that the stroke was because of overwork but
his company is legally challenging the decision.

“The last six months before my stroke, I was working 18 hours a day and
sleeping just four,” says Guo. His company had claimed $50,000 was missing
from the account he was handling, and allege stealing. Guo denies the
accusation and before his stroke was working overtime to investigate the
missing money.

“Just after 8am one day, I suddenly passed out. My colleagues carried me to
a meeting room and left me there,” says Guo.

“The company waited three hours before they took me to the hospital, by the
time I got there I had heavy bleeding on my brain and doctors said my
condition had become so bad it was inoperable.”
說我的病情已經變得如此糟糕,是不適合做手術的 。”

Guo’s case is sadly not unique and some cases of overwork in Taiwan have
even been fatal. In 2011, 50 workers’ deaths were blamed on excessive
working hours, according to Taiwan’s Council of Labor Affairs (CLA).

Hard work has long been ingrained in Taiwanese society, but only recently
have officials begun to acknowledge that overwork exists.

By law workers are not allowed to do more than 46 hours of overtime each
month and companies are fined for violating these rules.

The annual working hours for Taiwanese employees eclipses many industrialized
nations, according to figures from the Council of Labor Affairs (CLA) and the
OECD. On average, the Taiwanese work 2,200 hours annually; 20% more than
their counterparts in the United States or Japan and more than 35% longer
than those in Germany.

Earlier this year healthcare professionals took to the streets to protest
what they call a sweatshop health system claiming overwork puts their
patients in danger.

The government of Taiwan has reacted to a growing public outcry over the
dangers of overwork and is trying to improve the work culture in the country,
subsidizing health facilities specializing in occupational health.

Dr. Guo Yue-Leon holds a free open clinic every Wednesday morning in Taipei’
s biggest public hospital specifically for occupational disease. He has
noticed a marked increase in patients.
郭躍 - 萊昂博士在一個自由開放的的診所工作,每週三上午在台北最大的公立醫院專門

“Not because the number are increasing,” he says, “but the people are more
recognizing the condition so those who have a heart attack or a stroke, he or
she realizes that working too hard might have caused the problem.”






※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 fantasibear:政府:那是她沒運動                                   10/10 01:18
推 WMV:借轉                                                        10/10 01:18
推 wind72626:工時長從以前到現在不都這樣-.-,勞基法罰太輕跟本不痛   10/10 01:18
→ wind72626:不癢                                                  10/10 01:19
→ rainin:馬:they不運動                                           10/10 01:19
※ [1;32mWMV [0;32m:轉錄至看板 Salary                                           10/10 01:19
推 ronray7799:台灣人:希臘過太爽                                    10/10 01:19
噓 shwei2012:不運動齁                                              10/10 01:19
推 urdie:恭喜空心馬榮登CNN 站上世界舞台 在國際間舉世聞名           10/10 01:19
推 peggy345:馬娘娘:是they太"懶"                                    10/10 01:19
※ [1;32mWMV [0;32m:轉錄至看板 Tech_Job                                         10/10 01:19
噓 ncu1319:幹這GOOGLE翻的?  我有我的大腦和大量出血                 10/10 01:19
推 lesnaree2:這google翻譯嗎..                                      10/10 01:19
→ ronray7799:中油員工準時4點下班過太爽 抗議啦~                    10/10 01:19
推 chu630:馬:都怪they不運動                                        10/10 01:19
推 sinfe:可以在潤飾一下文稿嗎 XDD                                  10/10 01:20
推 mjonask:馬:都怪they太懶                                         10/10 01:20
推 johnps:標題就翻錯了...                                          10/10 01:20
推 facts:對岸的血汗工廠 幾乎都是台灣老闆跑去設廠                   10/10 01:21
→ ChenDotQ:18 小時真的太誇張                                      10/10 01:22
噓 johnps:真的是google翻譯複製貼上                                 10/10 01:22
→ Orfenok:血汗勞工GDP,而且沒有維士比。                            10/10 01:22
噓 QUIBECK:google翻譯 = =                                          10/10 01:22
→ lesnaree2:不然你以為iPhone為什麼要台灣零件組裝                  10/10 01:23
→ Doracacazin:你的"修飾"根本只有分段                              10/10 01:23
※ 編輯: rin0sin         來自:        (10/10 01:25)
噓 flowevil:謀殺眼睛                                               10/10 01:24
→ kauosong:吳副說的沒錯,台灣勞動環境,資方跟政府真的可以拿諾貝   10/10 01:25
推 upeqmas:還OK 還看得懂 推一下                                    10/10 01:25
推 ynd:18小時一看就知道豪洨                                        10/10 01:25
→ kauosong:40歲中風,整個家庭就垮了,難過,可憐的台灣牛           10/10 01:26
噓 adst513:華人最根深柢固的錯誤觀念 就是勤能補拙                   10/10 01:26
→ adst513:所以讀書時代就是過勞教育                                10/10 01:27
推 signm:我開始期待白賊義要怎麼轉彎了                              10/10 01:28
噓 Vett:你能不能別用google                                         10/10 01:29
推 fantasibear:一群抱怨翻譯是怎樣? 你們程度有那麼好喔              10/10 01:30
→ ChenDotQ:看來我還不夠拚,每天都準時下班                         10/10 01:31
推 peggy345:八卦版不是各各多益950+ 還需要看翻譯?                   10/10 01:32
→ jiuan1027:吳:不是給你們放無薪假了嗎?                            10/10 01:33
推 WinniBear:馬騜、689:誰說騜政府沒政績,這不是上了國際新聞???     10/10 01:33
推 popileds:有修飾給推!!!                                          10/10 01:33
→ jiuan1027:馬:怎麼會工時過長 那你有沒有多休點假?                 10/10 01:34
推 avi5566:惠帝:一定是太懶沒運動才會過勞                           10/10 01:35
→ WinniBear:馬騜:甚麼,22k不夠用,那你有沒有做第2份22k工作??      10/10 01:35
→ HornyDragon:明知道實力不足就別硬用google翻了......              10/10 01:36
→ WinniBear:馬騜:過勞中風了?就算做兩份22k工作也不能懶得運動啊~~   10/10 01:37
噓 sese5566:內文"修飾"的超爛                                       10/10 01:37
推 potionx:這報導看起來讓人覺得台灣很落後                          10/10 01:38
→ HornyDragon:不只浪費時間也沒達到效果  你是何必呢                10/10 01:38
→ WinniBear:18小時不見得唬爛,如果通勤時間算進去的話,嘿嘿嘿。    10/10 01:43
→ Imhuang:國慶日看到這則新聞 突然一陣酸...                        10/10 01:44
推 sarada:BBC也報過http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-17441366     10/10 01:46
推 newglory:CNN認證 那只好推了                                    10/10 01:50
推 aquawill:台灣不落後?                                            10/10 01:52
→ Imhuang:台灣是有錢的落後國家                                    10/10 01:54
推 andante6851:台灣過勞舉世聞名 世界第一                           10/10 02:07
推 mc12355:可以公布那家公司名稱嗎? 我以為只有國軍裡面才沒人權      10/10 02:19
推 madaniel:我七月初到八月中出差就是一天工作18小時(含六日)         10/10 02:36
→ ev331:認識還承認 過度勞的存在                                   10/10 02:37
推 madaniel:台灣企業,什麼都可能發生,所謂豪洨只是你沒遇到         10/10 02:38
→ ev331:一天18小時....奇怪你怎麼撐得下去                          10/10 02:38
→ shintz:阿扁也過勞了阿,還進牢了。都下班了還要24小時待命救援     10/10 02:38
推 madaniel:科技業某些公司的PM,Pilot run時是沒人權的…            10/10 02:40
→ ev331:上班12小時+來回2小時就快升天了 18小時簡直想殺人了         10/10 02:41
推 madaniel:每天早上八點到半夜兩點過48天,只休息午餐半小時         10/10 02:42
推 madaniel:我過去半年每日平均工時是14小時……                     10/10 02:44
→ madaniel:最近等著交接調採購才比較閒…;)                        10/10 02:45
→ makki:美國看台灣:奴                                             10/10 02:46
→ ev331:為什麼你們拼成這樣...                                     10/10 02:49
噓 telnetboy:再對照最近車市的L化~高級車不斷熱銷耶                  10/10 02:51
→ telnetboy:果然平均薪資加幾個老闆進來就很好看                    10/10 02:52
推 madaniel:因為工作loading分配不均…整個team過兩年                10/10 02:52
→ madaniel:每天基本早上九點到晚上12點的生活~                      10/10 02:53
→ madaniel:只剩下PL還沒離職或請調,其他全陣亡,哈                 10/10 02:54
推 koukai2:文章寫的事實跟我所知道的完全不同                        10/10 02:59
→ yhn0tgb60:馬:73%的台灣人不運動  懶!!!                       10/10 02:59
噓 BRANFORD:不是中文\                                              10/10 03:04
推 garcia:台灣之光                                                 10/10 03:07
推 ahaming:http://goo.gl/GCxdq 台灣工時在世界前3名已經很多年了     10/10 03:12
推 gotohikaru:還沒加上責任制就前三名 再加上去不就天元突破惹~       10/10 03:23
噓 MRBLUELAN:騜: 一天也才工作18小時 何不多做運動? 73%的懶人活該    10/10 04:35
推 kamisun:一天也才工作18小時,不是還有6小時可以做運動?           10/10 05:46
推 feywen:馬政府:台灣勞工休假日全世界最多,工時怎可能最長           10/10 05:52
→ feywen:我從來不加班,但每年工作時間還是超過2200小時 @@           10/10 05:53
推 kalin1002:全世界都看到了,只有呆丸慣老闆看不見                  10/10 07:37
推 YU0169:郭躍 - 萊昂  這名字有原住民風                            10/10 07:44
推 chungyiju:鬼島歹完                                              10/10 08:03
推 laiemperor:馬:我這麼忙都有時間運動                             10/10 08:29
推 mocca000:馬:就說了是they太懶都不運動                            10/10 08:38
推 orzmaster:overwork:加班                                        10/10 08:50
推 whitezealman:馬:they~they~they                                  10/10 09:09
推 creulfact:有些人真的很好笑 板上說多益1000分也沒什麼的人 會看不  10/10 09:45
→ creulfact:懂內文 更何況整篇文章這麼長有人翻就該偷笑了啦.......  10/10 09:45
推 KingKingCold:馬英九:一天才工作18小時,怎麼可能沒有時間運動?    10/10 09:46
→ KingKingCold:        說到底就是they they they這幫賤民懶~~~`     10/10 09:46
噓 Hambowbow:什麼鬼翻譯                                            10/10 10:24
推 mhxx:7:50到19:35,特殊時段21;00後是正常,通勤來回2hr         10/10 10:30
→ egojustin:最長工時  最低工資  馬英九創造出新台灣奇蹟~ 偉哉      10/10 10:37
推 luming:政府不敢對資方怎樣拉 所以可以讓資方永遠有"合理"的解釋    10/10 10:38
推 lungerX:不要不翻還嫌人家翻錯好嗎?真是莫名奇妙                  10/10 10:45


