2014年2月14日 星期五


作者: Mahoutsukai (魔法使?) 看板: Gossiping
標題: [新聞] 墨西哥民兵領袖說:殺掉而非捕捉毒梟最好
時間: Fri Jan 17 15:32:28 2014

Mexico vigilante leader says it would be best if drug cartel bosses were
killed, not captured


A vigilante leader in a Mexican state torn by violence said on Wednesday it
would be better to kill the heads of the region's dominant drug cartel than
arrest them, and rejected a government order to disarm.


Vigilantes have been battling the Knights Templar cartel in the western state
of Michoacan for almost a year, creating a major security problem for
President Enrique Pena Nieto.


Federal security forces have turned a blind eye to the armed vigilantes
despite calling on them to disarm.


Reuters reporters saw police and army convoys steadily drive past sandbag
roadblocks manned by members of Michoacan's so-called self-defense groups.


Some farmers in this impoverished, rugged region of lime and avocado
plantations, marijuana fields and crystal meth labs say the Knights Templar
have murdered and extorted locals for years.


"It may sound ugly to say kill them, but if it happened it would be for the
best," Hipolito Mora, a 58-year-old farmer turned vigilante leader, said in
an interview at a small ranch in the village of La Ruana, deep in Knights
Templar territory.

原是農夫的58歲民兵領袖 Hipolito Mora 在深入卡爾特聖殿騎士團領地的村莊 La Ruana

"If they are not killed, they should be put in jail. (The government) should
put an end to this murderous organization and leave us to focus on our work."


Interior Minister Miguel Angel Osorio Chong this week ordered the vigilantes
to lay down their weapons, but Mora and other vigilantes refuse. Some have
warned of a massacre if the government tries to disarm them by force.

(內政部長 Miguel Angel Osorio Chong 本周已經命令民兵們放下他們手中的武器,
但遭到 Mora 等人拒絕。也有人提出警告,如果政府執意要他們解除武裝,有可能會

"I don't know how we'll react," he said from beneath a cowboy hat, a wallet
emblazoned with a picture of Daffy Duck dangling around his neck. "I hope
they don't try, and that they help find the Knights Templar leaders soon."

("我不知該如何回應" 拿下牛仔帽後,他(Mora)在脖子前晃動著達非鴨皮夾如是說

"We ask them not to interfere with us, don't bother us, we have been doing
their job for some time. Let them first disarm the Knights, detain them, and
then we'll lay down arms."


Osorio Chong said on Wednesday the government had three leaders of the
Knights Templars in its sights.

( Osorio Chong 在週三表示,政府已經掌握三名聖殿騎士團領袖的行蹤)

Fronted by a former school teacher, the Knights Templar is a cult-like group
that styles itself on the medieval military order that protected Christian
pilgrims during the Crusades.


The vigilantes range from a rag-tag assortment of farmers carrying basic
weapons from machetes and side-arms to shotguns and AK-47s to others with
apparent military training, crew-cuts and sophisticated weapons like gleaming
Israeli assault rifles.




註:所謂的卡爾特聖殿騎士團 http://0rz.tw/pktId



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ MMMB4219:民兵就是自保而已 說白點就是政府無能                    01/17 15:33
推 yhchen2:兄弟會出動了                                            01/17 15:34
推 dyspnea:=============招喚MAX大===========================       01/17 15:34
推 aggressorX:卡爾特聖殿騎士團XDDD for the king                    01/17 15:34
推 budalearning:墨西哥也是搞開放  自由貿易                         01/17 15:34
推 darknight127:召喚師maxmaster                                    01/17 15:34
推 tsairay:政府就毒梟的內應,所以才要民兵解除武裝啊,顆顆            01/17 15:34
推 a1091100075:軍警是明著被打..民兵和毒梟都可以暗著來,當然有效率   01/17 15:34
→ pshuang:民兵就是團練 相當於清末的湘軍淮軍                       01/17 15:34
推 nixon:一定有一位叫Walter White, 第一季到第五季殺了多少毒販      01/17 15:35
→ Galm:墨西哥不就是毒梟和政府勾結嚴重嗎? 鄉民只能靠自己了         01/17 15:35
→ holymoon99:擺明著政府裡面有毒梟的人 或是毒梟是政府內的人攥養的  01/17 15:35
→ a1091100075:今天一群老弱婦孺從你眼前走過,轉頭說不定就是民兵團   01/17 15:35
推 boogieman:說不定軍警的另一個support就來自與毒梟                 01/17 15:36
→ a1091100075:不過軍警確實很大可能還是被內鬼給把持住              01/17 15:36
推 access7310:台灣人也該成立民兵團 導正kmt腐敗風氣                 01/17 15:36
→ bee12:看看台灣 再看看墨西哥 你就知道是什麼原因了                01/17 15:37
推 silentence:正規軍警理面不知有多少人被收買  當然....             01/17 15:37
推 tmwolf:民兵無奈啊                                               01/17 15:37
推 flamer:這國家已經瘋了 跟印度在兩個不同領域各自是頂尖的          01/17 15:39
→ Skabo:正規軍警混毒梟的飯吃啊 奇怪嗎?                            01/17 15:40
推 silentence:要不是官僚腐敗  墨西哥和印度早就起飛了               01/17 15:41
推 goodlisa123:軍警退休後就去當毒梟阿,話說這些鄉民還蠻屌的        01/17 15:43
推 FESTUM:墨西哥政府一半以上的官都是毒梟幕後培植的 當然要搞民兵    01/17 15:45
推 THEBUG:聖光啊  你看到那把AK47了嗎                               01/17 15:47
推 CrazyKill:相較之下,台灣鄉民只會嘴砲                             01/17 15:48
推 tp950016:刺客教條是真der                                        01/17 15:48
→ CrazyKill:台灣鄉民連槍枝都不敢開放了                            01/17 15:48
→ porlat:只要人人都是毒梟~墨西哥就沒有毒梟問題..                  01/17 15:49
推 kudo0930:北韓印度墨西哥,來世別生在這吧                         01/17 15:49
→ CrazyKill:來世別生在台灣                                        01/17 15:49
→ PSRY:沒辦法,21世界的美國新西部片主片場。                       01/17 15:51
推 HydeTseng:墨西哥政府和毒梟很多都有掛鉤吧 民兵不理政府是正確的   01/17 15:52
推 chocho1981:毒梟打不贏民兵,應該就會開始用錢收買內鬼了           01/17 15:53
推 l42857:台灣當初獨裁政府禁槍 就是為了怕民兵                      01/17 15:53
推 OGC1000times:民兵首領應該是ezio的後代                           01/17 15:54
推 adm123:墨國政府大部份早就毒梟的人                               01/17 15:54
→ adm123:假民主政府只是拿來擋美國開戰而已                         01/17 15:54
推 ByeByeLove:民兵跟毒梟戰鬥 結果政府要民兵放下武器? 軍警在幹嘛?   01/17 15:56
推 sakuraorjill:招喚MAX大                                          01/17 15:56
→ adm123:接下來可能毒梟假裝交幾個人給政府,然後政府對民兵開戰     01/17 15:56
→ adm123:我敢說,政府+軍警九成以上被毒梟控制                      01/17 15:57
→ adm123:除非民兵推翻政府,不然墨國沒希望                         01/17 15:58
→ josongla:老墨八家將和聯境組織  還是相當有用的                   01/17 16:02
推 za255199:萬事皆虛,凡事皆允                                     01/17 16:03


