2014年5月4日 星期日
作者: ethan0221 (Ethan) 看板: Gossiping
標題: [爆卦] 美國助國務卿評論服貿抗爭(逐字稿翻譯)
時間: Sat Apr 5 22:55:23 2014
美國國務院助國務卿羅素(Daniel R. Russel國務院東亞及太平洋事務負責人),
以下是逐字稿及翻譯,可以參考影片: http://ppt.cc/MGPl 約44:30開始。
康乃狄克州參議員墨菲(Chris Murphy):
Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut: Let me ask for your thoughts on the
protests that have erupted in Taiwan with the respect to the new economic
agreement with China. There‘s report out today that the new piece of
legislation that would require cabinets regularly engage with law makers and
the public on future agreements with China. And an initial report said
protestors suggest that is not enough for them to end their occupation of
government buildings. I appreciate an update on this protest from the States
Department’s perspective. Maybe you’ll take on what this says about the
broader disagreement within Taiwan about the future course of relations with
國務院東亞及太平洋事務助國務卿羅素(Daniel Russel):
參議員謝謝你。 [1;33m首先這個抗爭代表台灣是非常穩健的民主國家(笑…),對於不同政治觀點
Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel R. Russel :
Thank you Senator. In the first instance what it says is that Taiwan is a
very robust democracy (laugh), with a high tolerance for the expression for
political views.
Now, obviously, the United States very much hopes that the students and
demonstrators will use that freedom responsibly, that they will behave in a
civil and in a peaceful manner, and certainly to avoid violence. But it is a
reflection of a very open society in which a debate is not only allowed but
與範疇看法分歧。 [1;33m整體而言,我們非常歡迎並讚許兩岸關係在馬政府任內產生的驚人進展
主任張志軍是我們的一位好友也是前外交部長。 [1;33m非常有成果與深入的兩岸對話正在進行且
There are several issues at play. In the first instance, I would say that one
issue under contention has to do with the mechanism and the procedure by
which the cross-strait agreement in question, which is an agreement on trade
and services, has been moved through the legislative you want, through the
Taiwan Parliament. That is something about the procedure issue.
There’s also undoubtedly a substantive issue at play, with mixed views
within the Taiwan community, as you allude to, to the pace and scope of the
agreement being reached between Taiwan and the PRC. As a general matter, we
very much welcome and applaud the extraordinary progress that has occurred in
cross-strait relations under the Ma administration. And I should add that
because it takes two to tango that on the Beijing side there is real credit
due as well. The current foreign minister Wang he is a former head of Taiwan
Affairs Office. The current head of the Taiwan affairs office in Beijing is a
good friend of our former vice foreign minister: Zhang Zhijun. There is an
extremely productive and deep dialogue underway across the strait which
recently culminated in a visit by the Mainland Affairs minister Wang to China
which is an extraordinary and historical milestone. We don’t, however, take
a view on any particular agreement, and we believe strongly that the pace and
the scope of movement in cross-strait discussions must be one that in accord
with the comfort level and the wishes of the people on both sides of the
)的第一個問題中首先提到的, [1;33m關於台灣在我們「亞洲再平衡」中的角色,或許這個國家
Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut: Sure, just to finish up, I really
appreciate the way you frame your answer. Obviously, you are watching this
protest closely, but it does demonstrate, the initial point you make I think
in the question of Senator Rubio’s first question about Taiwan’s role with
a respect to our Rebalance to Asia that it is nation maybe uniquely that
shares American values about the ability and the rights of an individual to
take part in government, protest their government, and concerning it is maybe
to read about people occupying buildings at the same time, it is a symbol of
the important connection that we have with Taiwan regarding their ability to
allow folks in that part of the world to speak for themselves
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1396709725.A.4D0.html
※ 編輯: ethan0221 (, 04/05/2014 22:56:54
推 g74532:謝謝你 弄逐字翻譯稿超累人的 謝謝!!!!!!!!!! 04/05 22:58
推 Ives20130:推一個 04/05 22:58
推 pinkg023:辛苦啦~ 04/05 22:59
推 Eliot:Thank you! 04/05 22:59
推 thejam:好像什麼重點都沒講 04/05 22:59
推 SlimeKnight:感謝翻譯 04/05 22:59
推 yiersan:很好 需要原文 鄙視任何斷章取義 04/05 23:00
推 tsan1930:推,謝謝 04/05 23:00
→ tangolosss:就只是說:台灣是自由民主國家...沒了...要不要幫台灣? 04/05 23:01
推 piliwu:媒體斷章取義也不是第一天了 04/05 23:02
推 TanIsVaca:辛苦啦~ 04/05 23:02
推 menturm:感謝! 04/05 23:03
推 vagic:感謝 04/05 23:03
→ grandwar:美國大概不會介入 因為就算台灣被奪,他們一天就可以拿下 04/05 23:03
推 MermaidFA:感謝 04/05 23:04
推 Kamelie:另兩岸人免感到滿意的。 <-- 04="" 23:05="" br="" nbsp="">推 gunng:就以前老調啊 任何協議需兩岸人民彼此同意 04/05 23:05
推 banghsnu:謝謝你 但代表他在講廢話 04/05 23:07
※ 編輯: ethan0221 (, 04/05/2014 23:10:32
推 sendicmimic:呃... 這段文不是被國媒拿去寫成"學生要學會負責"嗎? 04/05 23:10
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