2016年1月24日 星期日


作者: SkyMirage (Stardust) 看板: Gossiping
標題: [爆卦] 白宮針對廣大興事件作出回應了!!
時間: Sat Dec 20 08:59:43 2014


Response to We the People Petition on Taiwan and the Philippines

Thank you for your petition regarding the May 2013 case of the shooting death
of a Taiwan fishing boat captain in disputed waters.

The United States, through the American Institute in Taiwan and the American
Embassy in Manila, as well as here in Washington, has consistently encouraged
cooperative efforts between Manila and the authorities in Taiwan to resolve
the matter. The United States continues to support the ongoing negotiations
between Taiwan authorities and the Philippines on a fisheries agreement that
will institute measures to make such confrontations less likely in the future.

We are pleased to see that tensions between Taiwan authorities and the
Government of the Philippines have decreased markedly over the past year. We
support their efforts to manage their disputes in a peaceful and cooperative

The Philippines, a     treaty ally of the United States, and Taiwan, an important
security and economic partner of the United States, in a region vital to
international commerce, have much to gain from the full restoration of their
longstanding close friendship and cooperation.

Thank you again for your petition. We appreciate your input and the
opportunity to convey our shared commitment.




【歐巴馬速簽售台武器法案 中國強烈不滿】

[1;33;40m         邏輯無助於科學。

              [1;35;40m 法蘭西斯‧培根

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1419037187.A.2F2.html
→ dacapo: 我也有收到email 不過白宮也太LAG了ZZ                     12/20 09:00
→ taotzu: 意思就是叫你們兩個小老弟不要吵啦, 私下自己橋好就好      12/20 09:01
推 timmyen: 整篇官腔XD                                             12/20 09:01
推 myrzr: 有回跟沒回一樣                                           12/20 09:02
推 link1111: 通篇廢話                                              12/20 09:02
噓 tot9221: 就一堆場面話……                                       12/20 09:03
推 kuninaka: 白宮當然打官腔阿,這件事關他屁事                      12/20 09:03
→ kuninaka: 不然要告御狀嗎                                        12/20 09:03
→ NCmuhaha: 美國持續推動雙邊政府交好  end                         12/20 09:04
推 alog: 場面話也隔了未免太久了                                    12/20 09:05
→ lemel49: 頂級冷處理~~                                           12/20 09:08
→ netsphere: 米國公務員一樣寫一大篇廢話                           12/20 09:08
推 yupc0109: 要放大假了積案趕快回一回而已                          12/20 09:13
推 AnferneeLin: 有人會期待美國作出實質回應???關美國何事            12/20 09:14
推 killla: 美國每天戰爭死了一堆子弟兵, 會想管你一個鬼島漁民嗎?   12/20 09:14
推 jboys75: 甘美國屁事阿 ...                                       12/20 09:17
推 chirity: 廢話                                                   12/20 09:18
推 bhis: 白癡老愛去找美國哭訴                                      12/20 09:18
推 kning: 有講跟沒講一樣                                           12/20 09:21
推 gunlinuu: 白宮可以請一個替代役來發廢文就好了阿                  12/20 09:21
→ holsety: 翻譯:本次大老哥調解有功,呆丸小弟還不速速送錢來        12/20 09:22
→ PePePeace: 罐頭文                                               12/20 09:22
推 dcoog7880: xdd                                                  12/20 09:23
推 lovefordidi: 罐頭文                                             12/20 09:24
推 sali921: 這篇根本是罐頭拿來改一下名字就丟出來了                 12/20 09:24
推 gunfighter: 翻譯:阿菲我罩的 識相就給我握手合作 不然的話...     12/20 09:25
推 wpb0617: 有講等於沒講啊                                         12/20 09:25
※ 編輯: SkyMirage (, 12/20/2014 09:26:08
→ mars1985: 垃圾                                                  12/20 09:26
推 Noel7788: 真的很罐頭...哈哈                                     12/20 09:26
推 ryrp: 白宮:吵完了吧 我可以出來洗地了                            12/20 09:27
推 superbatman: 馬騜不是談完了嗎?                                 12/20 09:30
推 ring0: 鴿子封包終於到了zzzzzzzz                                 12/20 09:31
推 victoryman: 已讀不回 過超久才回覆 = =                           12/20 09:33
推 Mahoutsukai: 不就罐頭回復 還一堆人以為請願是萬靈丹...           12/20 09:34
→ omage: 結論:干我屁事                                            12/20 09:39
推 drinkjr: 罐頭回覆                                               12/20 09:39
推 chachayu: 我們是他的提款機 菲律賓是他的虎仔  幹                 12/20 09:43
推 aowen: 管我屁事                                                 12/20 09:44
推 Homeparty: 比安倍說QE發錢經濟就會好一樣可笑                     12/20 09:46
推 likeyousmile: 他國事務干他屁事                                  12/20 09:48
推 z880323: 我們有石油 態度就不一樣了!                            12/20 09:49
推 yuchuan0521: 都多久了                                           12/20 09:52
推 paddyalf: 都多久了現在才寄 內容超沒誠意通篇廢話                 12/20 10:02
推 asd2260123: 現在才知道白宮請願是罐頭文喔......                  12/20 10:08
推 schopan: 不愧是世界警察  事情都結束了才出現掃地                 12/20 10:09
推 hw1: 罐頭回應                                                   12/20 10:13
→ nakayamayyt: 本來就關白宮屁事  還真以為美國是老爸有求必應       12/20 10:13
推 stella323: 台灣什麼事情都要跑到白宮去哭  有都丟臉               12/20 10:19
推 hope1989: 美國是老爸啊 當然被欺負去找老爸哭哭。                 12/20 10:22
→ prism88: 白宮:給他們回個信小台灣人民就會開心到漏尿了,不用擔   12/20 10:29
→ prism88: 心啦                                                   12/20 10:30
噓 Sanger: 幹你娘美國,台灣就用authorities,菲律賓就用government     12/20 10:38
推 peoplefu5566: 有講跟沒講一樣XDD 罐頭式回答                      12/20 10:54


