作者: limit (Dancing in the Dark) 站內: Gossiping
標題: Re: [八卦] 美國研究所與語言學校聯手詐欺的八卦
時間: Mon Apr 2 16:14:30 2007
美國野雞大學表 -- 摘自wiki
Stamford International University (史蛋佛國際大學)
Stanford University (Arkansas) (史丹佛大學, 阿肯色斯)
Cambridge State University (劍橋州立大學) --) 根本沒這個州好嗎 = =
American National University (美國國立大學)
Columbia State University (哥倫比亞州立大學) --> 連勝文說這是學店
Patriot Bible University (愛國者聖經大學) --> 對付賓拉登?
University of Northern California (北加大) --> 北喬峰南慕容嗎
University of North America (北美洲大學)
University of Asia in United States(美國亞洲大學) --> 意圖相當明顯
Rushmore University --> 衝啊!
這其中大部分的網頁都做的很 OOXX
我記得看過有學校網址是 .com
P.S. 另外我要鄭重警告還有更多不在表上的野雞大學
* American Council of Private Colleges and Universities
* Adam Smith University
* 美國奧斯汀大學 (American Austin University)
* 美國中央大學 (American Central University)
* 美國環球大學(American Global Universities)
* 美國國立大學 (American National University)
* 美國太平洋大學 (American Pacific University)
* American Pacwest International University
* 美國世界大學 (American World University)
* 美國哈姆斯頓大學 (Armstrong University)
* Ashford University (London)
* Ashwood University
* Badaganvi Sarkar World Open University Education Society
* Baptist College of Ministry
* Belford University
* Berne University
* Bhartiya Shiksha Parishad
* 柏林頓大學(Barrington University)(已遭勒令歇業)
* Brentwick University
* Breyer State University
* British West Indies Medical College (earlier known as West Indies College
of Naturopathic Medicine and Surgery) (see [11] and [12])
* Bronte International University
* Buxton University
* 劍橋州立大學 (Cambridge State University)
* California American Univesity
* Canbourne University
* Chadwick University
* Clayton University
* 哥倫比亞太平洋大學 (Columbia Pacific University,本來位於加州,但後來被州
(Columbia Commonwealth College)
* Columbia State University
* Columbus University
* Commercial University Ltd.
* D.D.B. Sanskrit University
* Degrees-R-Us
* Delhi Vishwa Vidyapeeth
* Edison University
* Gandhi Hindi Vidyapith
* Glencullen University
* Glendale University
* Golden State University (not to be confused with Golden Gate University)
* Greenleaf University
* Greenwich University (not to be confused with University of Greenwich,
London, England)
* Hamilton University (not to be confused with Hamilton College)
* Hamilton University of Wyoming
* Harrington University
* Hartley University
* Harvard University for External Studies (not to be confused with Harvard
Extension School)
* 夏威夷藥劑學院 (Hawaii College of Pharmacy)
* Hawaii University
* Honolulu University of the Arts, Sciences, and Humanities
* Indian Education Council of U.P
* James Monroe International University
* James Monroe University
* (remove Kennedy Western University as their action against government
shows that they are confident and is only considered unaccredited
University finally)
* Kesarwani Vidyapith
* Kingsfield University
* Knightsbridge University
* Lacrosse University
* Landford University
* LaSalle University (Louisiana) (not to be confused with LaSalle
* Lexington University
* Lincoln University
* Louisiana Baptist University
* Loyola State University
* Madison University (not to be confused with University of
Wisconsin-Madison or James Madison University)
* Magellan University
* Maharana Patap Shiksha Niketan Vishwavidyalaya
* Mahila Gram Vidyapith
* Maithili University
* 萬寶路大學 或 馬寶龍大學 (Marlborough University)
* Master's Divinity School
* Metropolitan Collegiate Institute, associated with the fake teaching
hospital Sussex General Hospital, both purportedly in London (BBC article).
* Monticello University
* National University of Electro Complex Homeopathy
* Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose University
* Northfield University
* 美國西北理工大學 (Northwestern Polytechnic University, NPU)
* 美國公開大學 (Open University of America)
* 太平洋南方大學 (Pacific Southern University)
* 太平洋西方大學 (Pacific Western University)
* Parkwood University
* 愛國者聖經大學 (Patriot Bible University)
* Preston University
* Raja Arabic University
* Recoleta University
* Redding University
* Robertstown University
* Rochville University
* Rushmore University
* Santa Monica Pacific University
* Shaftesbury University
* Shelborne University
* Shepperton University (BBC article)
* 南太平洋大學 (South Pacific University)
* St Clements UniversityRemoved from list of unaccredited University after
formal action by St Clements and investigation by MAINE state ([13])
* St Regis University (not to be confused with Regis University)
* Stafford University
* Stamford International University (not to be confused with Stanford
* Strassford University
* Stanford University (Arkansas)
* Stanton University
* Suffield University
* Summit University of Louisiana
* Thornewood University
* Trinity College and University (not to be confused with institutions listed
at Trinity College disambiguation page)
* 南方三一大學 (Trinity Southern University)
* Tufts University School of Medicine (not to be confused with Tufts
* 美國亞洲大學(University of Asia in United States)
* University of Bedford
* University of Devonshire
* University of Dunham
* University of England
* University of North America
* University of Northern California
* University of Northern Washington
* University of Palmers Green
* University of Ravenhurst
* University of San Gabriel Valley
* University of San Moritz
* University of Sussex at Brantridge
* University of Switzerland
* University of Wexford
* Uttar Pradesh Vishwavidyalaya
* Vancouver University Worldwide
* Varanaseya Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya
* Vocational University
* Westhampton University
* Weston Reserve University (not to be confused with Case Western Reserve
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[1;33;42m╚══╝╚══╝╚╩╩╝╚══╝ ╚╝ .bbs@ptt.cc
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 eggimage:推啊! 這要m~ 04/02 16:09
→ valenci:有沒有gooogle大學......Hahaharvard University..... 04/02 16:17
推 f1234518456:好多....... 04/02 16:19
推 sheepxo:我的媽...超多的 04/02 16:20
推 killua:好多喔~~~ 借轉分享~~謝謝!! 04/02 16:20
※ killua:轉錄至看板 NCCU06_EcoG 04/02 16:21
推 valenci:還有萬寶路大學耶....... 04/02 16:21