2010年12月3日 星期五

亞洲性愛指南 台灣寶貝 2

作者: mquare (爹卡路恰) 看板: Gossiping
標題: Re: [問卦] 有沒有ptt是社會反指標的八卦?
時間: Tue Feb 16 23:35:24 2010

※ 引述《XXZDX (硬派將水令)》之銘言:
: 外國人寫的 要跟台灣女性打砲 是多麼簡單的一件事
: 這是一本攻略:
: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/Kaidevir/12103558

文章蠻有趣的 避免有人怕中毒不敢點 替大家轉貼來



I have lived all over Asia and have been accused of going Asiatic. Maybe. I
have fucked over a hundred Asians, and I have talked to other guys who have
done the same (no big deal for a foreigner living over there). Here is the
straight shit about Asian girls broken down by country. Not what they eat or
their religion or the best museums. We're talking bedroom acrobatics. How do
they fuck, do they give head, how do you know they want you, what turns them
on? A virtual 1-2-3 on sex with them. Flips are different from Thais who are
different from Japanese chicks. To each his own, but you need to know the
score if you are going to score. No bullshit, no macho crap, just the
straight scoop. Check out the sample section, Taiwan Chicks.
反掌) 我不拐彎抹角,而且以國家做分類教你如何來搞上她們。不講她們吃啥、信啥或哪
裡的美術館最棒,我們講的是床上功夫! 怎麼幹她們、怎麼讓她們點頭、怎麼知道她們



(or, you got to play the game)

Taiwan, Republic of China, is a combination of the old China of the Tang
Dynasty and the modern, commercial world. Traditional customs coincide with
modern high-tech industry. Taiwan girls (I'll call them TG's from now on)
reflect this aspect of their culture.

TG's are very modern in their pursuit of carnal happiness. They like sex, and
they demand it. But they also have the centuries-old tradition of the dainty,
foot-bound maiden whose only desire is to serve her man. The old ideal of a
proper women who doesn't enjoy sex, who eats like a bird, and who has no
"un-genteel" habits such as shitting, farting, or bad breath has survived
throughout the ages. Modern TG's handle this disparity of desires and
cultural ideals by game playing. And if you want to succeed in getting a TG
in the sack, you've got to understand the rules of these games.

In every physical relationship with a TG, there are two stages: getting there
and after the first fuck. First, though, we'll go over a few idiosyncrasies
about life in general which can affect your efforts to get laid.

The population of Taiwan is one of the most superstitious peoples in the
world. Much of their life revolves around the supernatural. For example, the
Chines month which occurs at about the same time as August is sometimes known
as the month of ghosts. This is a bad time to be walking around with some
young thing after dark. University graduates, acknowledging that this is base
superstition, will still adhere to this kind of belief.

Timing is critical. Certain days and even the time of day has a critical
impact on what a person does. Contracts might not be signed one a certain day
because that would be bad luck. Getting laid on a certain day may be the best
thing or the worst thing that can happen based on the astrological signs.
This obviously can work for or against you.

Coupled with timing is the belief in Chinese astrology. Based on in which
Chinese year you were born can go a long ways in a TG's determination on
whether or not to fuck you. This may be more prevalent on deciding on
marriage, but it can relate to a roll in the hay, too.

There is also a heavy reliance on the use of fortune tellers (blind fortune
tellers are considered particularly accurate). A TG may ask her fortune
teller if she should take matters up to the next level. Depending on the
fortune teller's response can make the difference between success or jerking
off. I once met a beautiful, rich TG. When we finally fucked, I thought it
was because of my suave and debonair attitude coupled with my tremendously
sexy and manly physique. Then she had to pop my bubble by letting me know
that her fortune teller had told her that within a week, she would meet a man
from outside Taipei and from 173 cm to 175 cm tall whom she should get to
know as he would bring her wealth. I am 173 cm (5'8"), so she used sex to
attach me, having fun and ensuring her access to business at the same time
(throwing out my dreams I was somehow turning into a ladies' man, sad to say.)

The point of these preceding paragraphs is that logic and desire may not
result in consummation. If the cards are stacked against you, there might be
nothing you can do and you would be better off throwing in the towel and
finding an easier target elsewhere.

On the other hand, once a TG sets her mind to it, she isn't going to let go.
She will do anything in her power to get it done. If she wants to fuck you,
she will arrange for it to happen. I taught a TG here in the US how to give
blowjobs because she wanted to snag another guy who didn't like her. It was
surreal. I'd go over to her apartment and give her instructions while she was
going down on me. Yea, she was "using me," and didn't give much of a shit for
me, but I got a half-dozen blowjobs out of it, so who cares?


OK, you have met a TG, and you are anxious to score. How do you get to the

If you are a foreigner, particularly a white man, you've got a very good
advantage. She has heard much about your prowess in bed, and she wants to
try. If you are black, you may or may not have an even greater advantage. The
idea of "jungle fever" is not lost on TG's, although the attitude encompasses
all foreigners. While they are more prejudice than many people, if they think
they can get away with it without anyone back home knowing about it, most
would love to have an experience with a black man as well as a white man
thinking that both would be the penultimate in sexual pleasure.

The key is that you are a foreigner. As a "waigwo ren," you somehow fall
outside the conventions of "polite" society, read "Chinese" society. There
would be no or less loss of face for getting down and dirty. If you think she
is a tramp, well, frankly your opinion doesn't matter as you are not Chinese.

Get pissed off at this thinking if you want, or use it to your advantage by
getting laid.

Appearance does not matter nearly as much to a TG as it does to girls from
other countries. The almighty dollar does, though. If you are rich, that
means you are powerful, hence, sexy. You don't necessarily have to spend it
on them, but you must at lest act as if you have it. Or if you don't have it,
you soon will. Don't go overboard in trying to impress them with kindness. Be
a little aloof. Make the decisions. Don't be a jerk, though; consider her
feelings, but you make the decisions.

This should be common sense, but don't criticize Chinese culture! Don't
condescend to them. Remember, they think they are superior to you. Unless
they are trying to hook a husband because they think women are more free in
Western nations, they are with you for a good time only, not because they
think you are from an advanced culture.

OK, now for the game playing part. TG's almost never say what they mean when
it comes to sex and relationships. I've had it explained to me as the "Three
No Rule." That is, a girl must say "no" three times before she means it.

You are kissing her and slide your hand up her shirt. She takes your hand and
removes it. That is only one "no." You are expected to try again. By saying
"no," she has saved her reputation. As an American, I know "no" means "no."
With my first TG in Taipei, we were getting hot and heavy when I stuck my
hands down her pants. She took my hand out and said she couldn't. Pretty
frustrated, I quit, and shortly later took her home. The next day, her friend
asked me why I didn't like her. When I told her I didn't understand, she said
the TG was rather disappointed that I didn't find her attractive enough to go
for it harder.

TG's will also say "no" while you are doing it. You've got your hand down her
pants, and she might say "no," all the while holding your hand so you can't
get it out. Or you are going down on her and she keeps saying "no" while
holding your ears in a vise lock so you couldn't get away if you tried.
她又自己抓住你的手不讓你移開。當你要幫她口交時,她也會一邊喊" 不要",一邊還緊

Although this is changing somewhat, you'll probably not get laid on the first
opportunity. If she is a teenager out to have fun at one of the expensive
nightclubs, or if she is married, then you might. Usually, though, a TG must
be a "good" girl and not actually fuck that fist time. The second opportunity
is fine, though, because she has already proved that she is a "good girl."

Where can you do it? If you are home, wherever you normally do it is fine.
But if you are in Taiwan, you've got some problems. Many TG's live with
extended families. It's hard to fuck "syaujye" while "fuchin" and "muchin"
are in the next room. If you've already got a relationship going, you can
check into one of the many short-term hotels that are everywhere. Colorful
fronts, dark lobbies where she can stand out of site from the desk while you
select which kind of room you want, and a dozen or so choices of rooms, most
with frilly beds, mirrors on the ceilings, and porn on the tube. Four hours
costs about $20-30.

For the first time, your best chances are at an MTV. This isn't our MTV, but
a place where you can go to rent videos and watch them in small, cozy rooms.
Each room can be darkened and has a large couch in it. It is quite easy to
lie down together, and go on from there. Although this is supposed to be for
anyone, mostly couples seem to use them. If you're invited to one of these,
especially if she recommends that you watch two movies, you're in.

Pay attention to the "friend." Just like in high school, TG's often use
friends to pass along the hint. If she tells you you are handsome, it's
coming from the TG. She can say things without regards to face because she
isn't the one hopping in the sack with you.

Don't pay too much attention to her tits the first time if they are small.
TG's have somewhat of an inferiority complex about them. Don't ignore them,
but don't focus on them.

Finally, don't forget the older woman. Successful Taiwan men almost always
have a mistress. Now, their wives are fighting back. If you don't mind a
married women out looking for fun, give them a shot. Usually, they will pay
for everything, too, even to presents and gifts. Nothing seems to make them
more satisfied than to get laid while spending their husbands' money to do it.


Once you've fucked, the rules have changed. She has gotten over that hump
(pun intended), and any face to be lost has already been lost. Now she wants
to get fucked as often as possible. And she wants to be your best fuck ever.
Keep telling her that.

She will take over your scheduling, arranging trips, MTV, taking you to
hotels. She probably won't say much until you both are naked and in the room,
but she'll lead you by the hand. She isn't afraid of asking for more. Most
importantly except for the hershey highway, she'll try anything.

Oral Sex

Damn straight. She'll do it at the drop of the hat. They are pretty good at
it, and will be proud of her ability to make you cum. She isn't going to
swallow, though.


Pretty good at it. She'll squeal and moan, though, so watch where you do it.
She wants to cum, so don't leave her stranded if you beat her to it. A TG
likes any position, and with a foreigner, wants to experience them all.

Anal Sex

Not too many of the TG's just wanting to get laid. If she is trying to hook a
husband, she may do it for the "see how much I love you?" act.


She will do you, although she thinks it's a waste if you cum that way. But
she'll do herself to get ready for you or to get you up one more time after
you are sure you've done all you can. She wants you to watch her do it.


I've never been turned down, nor has anyone else that I know. She will say
"no" again, but will "give in" very quickly. After you take them, she will
want to play director. If you've got a camera which you can hook up to the TV
and see what you are doing real time, she's going to pay more attention to
placing and the composition of the shot than the actual fucking. As soon as
you are done, she's going to want to watch it, all the time exclaiming either
how god or bad a certain angle makes her look.

One Night Stands

Not bloody likely. She wants more than that. She's also going to want to show
you off, like some prize pet.

Overall Attitude

Anything goes. Sex toys, bondage, videos, whatever. The lights stay on; she
wants to see. Once the door closes, there is no holding back. And there is no
such thing as too much. Expect her to say "no" the first time for most
things, but don't be afraid to push the issue.

One last thing. The Chinese believe that eating animal parts will affect a
person. Tigers are strong, so eating Tiger bones will make a man strong.
Since a rhinoceros horn is long, hard, and upright, eating the powder of one
will make a man stay harder longer and get hard more often. So if she gives
you some shit saying it helps the sex, don't take offense, it is normal
practice. If you are an environmentalist, you've got to decide if saving
endangered species is more important to you than getting laid before you
react to her offer.

Understand the rules and don't get pissed off about their feeling of
superiority, and you'll do fine with a TG. Play the game and have some of the
best sex you're ever going to have.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 fim:戰男女囉                                                    02/16 23:37
推 maxdi:好聞推                                                    02/16 23:38
推 shotholisi:老闆。來一份雞排 + 珍奶 不加糖...                    02/16 23:38
推 xx60824xx:老闆:雞排一份                                         02/16 23:39
推 kawazakiz2:靠...下大雨外加雞排攤提早休息 囧                     02/16 23:39
推 s9521262:推 好好鑽研一番 科科                                   02/16 23:39
推 taohjca:幹 宵夜太早吃了                                         02/16 23:39
推 ankala:徵求勇者轉到______版                                     02/16 23:39
推 linesa:蠻中肯的                                                 02/16 23:40
推 shotholisi:我來轉!                                             02/16 23:40
※ [1;32mshotholisi [0;32m:轉錄至看板 sex                                       02/16 23:41
推 bonniekiss2:亨  都是台灣男人自己不爭氣                          02/16 23:41
→ starfile:本指南不適用台籍人士                                   02/16 23:42
推 darkbrigher:你這樣讓人怎麼下台?                                 02/16 23:42
推 wzch:翻譯得很在地化,給個推                                      02/16 23:43
推 conpo:某些論點真的很中肯....唉~                                02/16 23:43
推 skylikewater:我比較好奇的是,原文存不存在?                     02/16 23:43
推 bohun:推爆他                                                    02/16 23:45
推 andy199113:翻譯XDDD                                             02/16 23:45
噓 oukacheng:唬爛 自以為是 我們找老外是要練習口說 增進語言能力     02/16 23:45
推 bonniekiss2:肢體語言                                            02/16 23:45
推 lovea:有人要轉到puma板嗎                                        02/16 23:46
推 XXZDX:XD 原文存在於諸多國外討論區 不信去Google                  02/16 23:46
推 shotholisi:要轉 法___ 版嗎?                                    02/16 23:46
推 demitri:噁爛的人寫噁爛的文 真是一丘之貉                         02/16 23:47
→ shotholisi:開戰囉...還是轉 法XX版好了!                         02/16 23:47
推 skylikewater:因為就是找不到原文~"~                              02/16 23:48
→ demitri:轉法西斯有什麼鳥用 又不一定是同一群人                   02/16 23:48
推 frank123ya:中肯                                                 02/16 23:49
→ shotholisi:不試。怎麼知...                                      02/16 23:49
→ demitri:就跟把玩弄女人的爛咖跟純樸的鄉民混為一談一樣...         02/16 23:49
推 kodo555:拯救地球 拯救小弟弟XD                                   02/16 23:49
推 andy199113:NightLife板 z-4-13-5  2003年開始轉錄的...            02/16 23:49
→ shotholisi:轉文囉...                                            02/16 23:49
推 XXZDX: 有勇者敢轉CCRomance板(異國戀情板)嗎XDDDDDDDD             02/16 23:49
→ shotholisi:看到樓上...算了                                      02/16 23:50
→ XXZDX:轉到那邊才有意義吧(無誤)                                  02/16 23:50
→ shotholisi:轉過去 有何效果? 重點是...引____                    02/16 23:50
→ minaj:還說愛情不分國籍 自己以為咧                               02/16 23:51
推 potter1529:拯救地球的老外                                       02/16 23:51
推 EV1L:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD                                      02/16 23:51
→ andy199113:這內容可能比2003年更早...但似乎找不到相關文章        02/16 23:51
→ XXZDX: 警世文章 勸台妹回頭是岸吶 ~我也是想為社會盡一份心力的 ~  02/16 23:52
推 Atzivan:這是女權解放,想做就做                                  02/16 23:52
推 shotholisi:算了!三個版全轉好了。看看反應如何...                02/16 23:52
※ [1;32mshotholisi [0;32m:轉錄至看板 CCRomance                                 02/16 23:53
噓 laicwben:丟臉丟到國外去                                         02/16 23:53
推 mariandtmac:洋屌就是好用 我也想裝一根                           02/16 23:53
推 adst513:翻得很好笑                                              02/16 23:53
推 pass9527:真的轉過去   = =  要戰了嗎??                           02/16 23:53
→ hun163:勇者來了                                                 02/16 23:54
→ XXZDX: 真勇者大人!!!!!!請受在下一拜XDDDDDDD               02/16 23:54
→ minaj:喜歡洋人的 有資格跟人家戰嗎 好好的台灣男不要去喜歡洋人    02/16 23:55
推 andy199113:我查到了1998年12月6日Wayback Machine網有備份...      02/16 23:55
推 xx60824xx:說穿了 就是一些愛慕虛榮的PUPU罷了                     02/16 23:55
→ andy199113:這文都過11年了...還在被轉....真厲害                  02/16 23:55
※ [1;32mchienyulin [0;32m:轉錄至看板 feminine_sex                              02/16 23:56
推 qwerty110:有勇者 快拜                                           02/16 23:56
推 gundam0079:裡面有點不中肯 台PU看到歪果屌會自己去給幹不就是因為  02/16 23:57
→ andy199113:該網頁歷史頁面查詢 http://is.gd/8vBcf                02/16 23:57
→ adst513:勇者二號                                                02/16 23:57
推 XXZDX:我滿懷著誠心 向諸位勇者致敬╭(─╴╴─)╮                 02/16 23:57
→ gundam0079:她們覺得歪果人比較高等比天龍人還高貴                 02/16 23:57
推 bll135:勇者超強的.....                                          02/16 23:58
→ searoar:轉八卦好了 那裡應該最high                               02/16 23:58
推 duolon:======================這篇可以去SEX版M....=========  02/16 23:59
推 bohun:推                                                        02/16 23:59
推 EV1L:勇者請受小弟一拜                                           02/16 23:59
推 huckebein12:有人耍笨                                            02/16 23:59
→ bll135:有人要轉笨版嗎XD                                         02/16 23:59
推 XXZDX: 轉去SEX板 要改個標題 讓數年後人們還能查到這篇文          02/17 00:00
→ EV1L:※ searoar:轉錄至看板 Gossiping                            02/17 00:00
→ XXZDX:標題轉過去後可以改為→老外針對台pu寫的亞洲(台灣)性愛指南  02/17 00:01
推 zzxx1017:有沒有其他國的呀                                       02/17 00:01
推 Brad255:說真的 是事實...                                        02/17 00:03
推 kmkr122719:轉至CCR版的那篇被合諧掉了 CCR版主動作真快            02/17 00:03
推 iforcei:有人敢轉去pupu版嗎?                                    02/17 00:03
推 qwerty110:不然被看到還得了  顆顆                                02/17 00:04
推 civilian5566:勇者                                               02/17 00:04
推 XXZDX:CCromance被刪文了 唉 永遠都那麼狹窄 永遠活在可悲封閉世界  02/17 00:04
推 windersword:翻的太傳神了                                        02/17 00:05
推 wak:無法否認...                                                 02/17 00:05
推 themartyr24:倒數第二段超好笑                                    02/17 00:05
→ iforcei:刪了一篇文,還有千千萬萬個                              02/17 00:05
→ XXZDX:還可以轉去women_talk 板 boy_girl板……                    02/17 00:05
→ searoar:轉到八卦才對啊 那裡最開放討論最熱烈                     02/17 00:06
→ wuzga:法機之 還活這                                             02/17 00:06
推 s32635:這證明台灣女性很有自主性呀 沒啥不好的(茶                02/17 00:06
→ iforcei:轉的人可以考慮改一下標題,且晚點再轉                    02/17 00:06
推 cico325:前幾段是上色失敗嗎                                      02/17 00:10
推 bohun:page down                                                 02/17 00:12
推 XXZDX:你不能按 ↓ 看 你要按空白或page-down來看 上色正常         02/17 00:12
推 sugizo0:你打開她那潘朵拉的盒子後就沒退路了 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD  02/17 00:13
→ mitochondrio:既然要翻譯 還是應該照原意翻比較好                  02/17 00:14
推 helpiou:= =                                                     02/17 00:14
→ mitochondrio:這裡翻的太偏離本意了                               02/17 00:15
→ bohun:本意不會變,只是比較口語,沒問題阿                        02/17 00:16
推 seedhorse:說翻的不好的人可能看不懂英文 不怪他啦                 02/17 00:19
→ AlanShore:CCR板真的很好笑,置底文說另一半哪國人,結果推巴黎~    02/17 00:22
推 tknetlll:太長了 看到一半end                                     02/17 00:24
推 qwerty110:CCR版有文了XDD                                        02/17 00:26
推 kmkr122719:CCR版又有勇者出現                                    02/17 00:27
推 XXZDX: 還是會被刪 因為CCR板PO文那個沒有先PO自介                 02/17 00:27
→ XXZDX:勇者必須先完成在CCR板自介這份試鍊……                     02/17 00:28
推 bohun:XDDD                                                      02/17 00:28
推 akuei26:丟臉....   不過我要推的是翻譯                           02/17 00:29
推 themartyr24:又被砍了                                            02/17 00:31
推 XXZDX:自介PO完 就沒有刪文的正當理由了                           02/17 00:32
推 kmkr122719:CCR版的勇者再度被魔王打倒                            02/17 00:34
→ howsiao:ccr版是什麼版                                           02/17 00:35
推 yashingno:這老外對某些台灣女生還真是了解                        02/17 00:35
推 XXZDX:CCR是異國戀情板 但幾乎全都是女性板眾在那邊 台男不會哈洋_  02/17 00:37
推 eminemrap0:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD                                  02/17 00:37
→ XXZDX:在該板PO文要先自介                                        02/17 00:37
推 jamesjklin:亨  都是台灣男人自己不爭氣                           02/17 00:38
推 xanlich:丟臉嗎?覺得還好,一個願打一個願挨,台灣男也在大陸吃蠻開   02/17 00:38
推 gotohikaru:加油吧 去給人幹!!                                    02/17 00:39
推 doordie25:ZZZ                                                   02/17 00:40
推 xanlich:人家活她的世界是人家的事,幹嘛一定要轉過去鬧,你轉類似文  02/17 00:40
→ xanlich:去C_Chat版還不是被刪= =,他們有他們自己的規矩啊..        02/17 00:41
推 zzxx1017:西洽躺著也中槍                                         02/17 00:42
推 benjaminchia:好文                                               02/17 00:49
推 seedhorse:洋屌真好 看來我只能拿錢去大陸幹426了                  02/17 00:53
推 KaedeFuyou:CC羅曼史就是洋屌版..                                 02/17 00:53
推 cbolong:戰意十足xd   有請好女孩出來發言                         02/17 00:55
推 jack020408:中肯好文 跟我不謀而合阿                              02/17 00:59
推 frozenmoon:=================台灣男人自己不爭氣================  02/17 01:05
推 FERRE:大開眼界                                                  02/17 01:05
推 Mariah:翻譯的好                                                 02/17 01:09
推 XXZDX:連法西斯板都失守了XDDDDDDDDDDDD                           02/17 01:11
推 Mazeroski:推卯系阿~~~~                                          02/17 01:19
→ eliseya:ccr也有亞洲跨國戀情的阿,不懂為什麼要戰到那去            02/17 01:23
→ eliseya:那邊是"異國戀"板,不是"異國搞"板                         02/17 01:24
推 jily:不過這篇文章好像很久了說                                   02/17 01:24
→ eliseya:本篇寫的是純上床吧       CCR應該還是有真愛的            02/17 01:24
推 miaooooooooo:超好文                                             02/17 01:28
推 leemt:台灣男自己也寫過這類教戰守則 全天下異性戀男人都一樣(戰)   02/17 01:35
推 blackkane:XDD 不管內容  這翻譯真的超屌  推翻譯!!!               02/17 01:39
推 a2156700:男人吃了犀牛角磨製的粉就可以讓小弟弟又硬又屌           02/17 01:40
推 bangdian:好翻譯                                                 02/17 01:41
推 djmay:太專業了  翻譯的不錯 給推                                 02/17 01:42
推 XXZDX:feminine_sex 被刪文的理由很78                             02/17 01:43
推 INCAS777:  "waigwo ren," =歪郭人   XXXXXXD                      02/17 01:55
推 acpr:台女的底細被摸到這麼清楚了~                                02/17 01:58
推 D122122123:這就是人生                                           02/17 01:58
推 cgkm:"hershey highway" (巧克力公路)指的是肛肛                 02/17 02:00
噓 lollygagger:翻得哪有不錯?give head不是「點頭」,是「口交」好貝  02/17 02:06
→ kapeika:慾望城市不知道是不是女版的教戰守則?男生版的被推爆       02/17 02:09
→ kapeika:女版的就被酸,真是眼不見為淨好個雙重標準                 02/17 02:10
→ kapeika:不知道那些娶外籍新娘的又怎樣?                           02/17 02:11
推 f80659:快爆了耶@@                                             02/17 02:12
推 tbaby:去ccr看了一下,明明亞洲人距離最近,結果歐美戀最多XD       02/17 02:14
推 azukitw:太專業了 來去轉寄 讓更多人知道                          02/17 02:21
噓 RACINGHEART:唬爛 自以為是 我們找老外是要練習口說 增進語言能力   02/17 02:21
噓 lynn:無聊 一堆屁話                                              02/17 02:25
推 pippenjr:欠幹的女人到哪裡都欠幹  不意外                         02/17 02:44
→ pippenjr:哭背  我會被文字獄嗎?                                  02/17 02:44
推 yonglove:勇者                                                   02/17 02:56
推 fur:好聞,哦不打太快,好文啊!跪求版主M起來!                   02/17 03:00
推 qwzx28:還不m                                                    02/17 03:10
→ s855160:都被老外看扁了 再繼續PU啊                               02/17 03:12
→ XXZDX:爆了XDD                                                   02/17 03:18
推 VIATOR:看的很難過,也很失望                                     02/17 04:17
推 tk1211:噓 RACINGHEART:唬爛 自以為是 我們找老外是要練習口說 XDD  02/17 05:00
推 fool8lalala:怎麼辦 我覺得很中肯=__=                             02/17 05:46
推 SuperUp:如果她和你講話時不會遮遮掩掩就是對你沒性趣 =.=          02/17 06:39
推 angussoca:GOOD                                                  02/17 07:20
推 sheepxo:從外國人看台女果真不一樣...                             02/17 08:07
推 dodonpachi:事實就是如此殘酷 哈                                  02/17 08:29
→ dodonpachi:雖然最後那個犀牛角不太對 尤其台灣女姓並不信此道      02/17 08:30
→ max52001:..可憐                                                 02/17 08:34
推 lucdiane:板上的男人就不要最後都娶外籍新娘....                   02/17 08:45
推 Yie:中肯,不過我很好奇其他國家的介紹。                          02/17 08:55
推 rayallen3001:事實呀~~~~~~夜店pu                                 02/17 09:18
推 lalbj:如果你是環保人士,你就要在拯救地球和拯救小弟弟間做個選    02/17 09:49
→ GoNow:取外籍新娘與此篇何干?                                    02/17 09:55
推 WSnipes:很中肯耶...                                             02/17 10:04
推 getout:這老外很中肯耶…                                         02/17 10:10
推 rial:我想知道日本妹韓國妹中國妹泰國妹越南妹...                  02/17 10:41
→ Anvec:娶外籍新娘通常都是討不到老婆的人                          02/17 10:52
→ Anvec:那個什麼越南情緣什麼的  這種情況比較多見                  02/17 10:52
推 shunchao:..........                                             02/17 11:09
推 widec:哈哈....哈哈哈哈哈 翻得真好                               02/17 11:13
推 wmwieqo:我想知道日本版的                                        02/17 11:20
推 mamaka:不錯 很中肯                                              02/17 11:32
推 zane21:中肯!!                                                   02/17 11:54
推 kians:等下又會有女鄉民衝出來說一堆死宅男了                      02/17 11:56
→ kians:講事實也要被說是死宅男(攤手)                              02/17 11:57
推 BigSuckTube:這個不是台灣人寫的喔????                        02/17 11:58
推 douge:又看到一群自卑轉自傲的種族lol                             02/17 12:02
→ dondonlon:推 不過看過其他老外寫的部落格 感覺這不像老外寫的      02/17 12:03
推 dtlove17:節錄自本篇 - 台妹對外表是很不Care的。不過錢是萬能的。  02/17 13:27
推 kess:誰要轉去窩門偷可板?                                        02/17 13:41
推 nelly5477:本指南不適用台籍男性                                  02/17 13:48
→ Siu:bondage是指綑綁不是繃帶  原po純潔>////<                     02/17 14:12
推 wsny:在拯救地球和拯救小弟弟間做個選擇...                        02/17 15:13
推 goodandevil:非常精闢入裡的文章,翻譯的很好,只可惜台妹依舊裝作  02/17 16:05
→ goodandevil:沒看到                                              02/17 16:05
→ GYCHEN1215:那默默的一群pupu-哈洋屌哈到洋屌寫攻略本教同胞一起幹  02/17 16:20
推 kaoh08:外國版 的 極樂台灣                                       02/17 17:14
推 poloball:完了…看完我價值觀要扭曲了,以後在路上看到台女配外籍   02/17 17:18
→ poloball:男子,心中大概都有成見 XDDDDD                          02/17 17:19
→ poloball:這篇文章是對標題的反駁                                 02/17 17:20
→ fox198712:這個外國人是很窮還是年紀很大?誰還去賓館跟MTV啊!      02/17 17:31
→ fox198712:有個地方叫做MOTEL,號稱百人斬的他沒提到?真不專業啊.  02/17 17:33
推 cobal:法西版的文被刪了啦...誰再來轉一次...記得刪推文喔!!        02/17 18:47
噓 kapeika:狗屁連篇                                                02/17 19:23
推 k7system:感謝完美翻譯                                           02/17 19:43
噓 CCSam:紅的明顯 中肯的事實文                                    02/17 20:28
噓 albb0920:舊文                                                   02/17 20:47
推 cockroach625:XD                                                 02/17 22:33
推 peter3000:狂笑 我停不下來                                       02/17 22:39
推 myth0422:XDDDDDDDD                                              02/18 00:57
推 ahahah:噓 RACINGHEART:唬爛 自以為是 我們找老外是要練習口說 XDD  02/18 07:11
推 ghjkj:找老外練習口說XDDDDDDDDD  整篇文章都好好笑XDDDDDD         02/18 10:34
推 chslin:中肯+1                                                   02/18 16:46
噓 Kongya:中肯卻令人難過                                           02/18 17:07
推 buntafujiwar:中肯...                                            02/18 17:54
※ [1;32mmaibony [0;32m:轉錄至看板 Test                                         02/19 06:04


